chapter 17: moving on

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We got our and food. After eating, we paid and left. Before going i took a last look at giyu who was already looking at me.

Yn pov:

The next day i was near a lake just looking at the view. "We need to talk" i said. "Oh do we?" Shinobu who was behind me asked. "Why are you doing this? I thought you were my friend." I said without looking at her. "I could say the same about you. You know i love tomioka-san so why did you try to come between us!" "I see" "now if you excuse me i have to get ready for my date." "Have a good time" "oh you bet I'll".


It has been 5 months since that day. Giyu isn't same. He didn't talk to me much but i could feel his eyes on me. Talking of eyes there is definitely something different about those eyes, they don't have life in them it's like he is forced to be obsessed with something. I know for the fact giyu never liked shinobu so what made him like her suddenly and especially right after our argument.

And whatever it is I don't care. Of course i still love him and i doubt I'll ever stop. But I'm trying to move on. Recently me and rengoku are seeing each other. He knows i love giyu and he has a special place in my heart. He understands that.

"Heyyyyyyy" "oh hey yn how are you doing today" "alright ty what about you" "pretty good after seeing you" he said that made blush a little. "Anyway are we still on for tonight?" I ask. "Of course. I did like to spend my night with you." "Alright I'll see you later" i said, kissing his cheeks.

I was on my way to Ray's grave when i saw giyu who was probably going that cockroach's manoor. "Hey" i said. "Hi" he replies with his cold voice. I'm used to it now but when he first talks to me like that it hurts like hell. "Are you going somewhere?" "Yeah I'm going to shinobu's manoor. We are going out" he said. "I see. Well have a good time" i said. I looked into those dull eyes. "Wish you were like before" i thought to myself. "Are you okay?". "yes why did you ask?" "No reason. Anyway you should get going". He nodded and went on his way.

I sat next to ray's grave and told her all about my day. I didn't realise it was night until I heard someone say. "hey what are you doing here you know it's not safe at night". I looked and saw it was giyu. "Yn is that you?" He asked. "Yup one and only " i reply. "what are you doing here so late?" "Nothing special just visiting ray. What about you?" "Just feel like taking a walk here" "i see well i have to be somewhere I'll see you later." I said with a smile. "Hey yn" "hm" "nothing, have a good night" "you too" i said with a smile and walked away.

Giyu's pov:

"What's this feeling" i thought to myself as I watched her walk away. My heart aches watch her leave. I just wanna hold her and tell her to not leave me. I wanna kiss her, hug her, tell her how beautiful she is. "Huh what am I even thinking. I can't really be thinking about that when I'm with shinobu. She is the one i love. Right?" I mumble under my breath. "Plus she is with Kyojuro". After spending some time there, i went to my manoor.

Yn's pov:

I went to my manoor and saw rengoku there. "Oh sorry how long were you waiting for" "not too long. Where were you by the way". "I went to visit Ray after I talked to you. I didn't realise it got dark until giyu called me. After chatting for a while with him I came home." I said as I sat next to him. "I see" "you know i would never cheat on you right?" I said when I noticed disappointment in his voice. "Yeah I'm sorry" he said.

"Anyway do you wanna eat something?" "Are you on the menu?" "Shut up" i said trying to hide my fully red face behind my hands. "Aww did someone get flattered?" "Probably" i said still hiding my face behind my hand. He took my hands off my face. "You are cute" "what-whats up with you tonight" "wait i shutter? WHAT THE FUCK WHY AM I SHUTTERING" i thought to myself. He just laughed at my reaction.

I went to the kitchen and started to make something to eat. I put water to boil when i feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I looked sided and our faces were inches away. I could feel his hot breath on my lips. After a few seconds of staring he kissed me. I kissed him back. But the thought of kissing giyu was popping again and again even after i pushed it back. And for some reason i felt like this was gonna be our last kiss.

The soft kisses turned into hungry make out. After a few minutes we broke apart for some air. "You do know you are absolutely beautiful." He said with a kiss which was filled with love and care on my head. "Oh well thank you" i said while hugging him.

After eating. We spend the night cuddling. Rengoku has a mission next day so he got up early and went to get ready in his manoor. I made my way to master's manoor because he told me he had to talk to the master before going to his mission. I saw a certain red and yellow hair guy.

"Morning" "oh good morning yn" "you better come back" i said while hugging him. He kissed my head as he say. "Of course don't worry. I'll gone for just 2 days." He said. But i didn't have good feeling about this.

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoy it and please do vote. I'll see you in the next chapter.

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