chapter 11: heartache

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"Shall we start our meeting" master ask

"Yes master" we reply in union.

Yn pov:

After the meeting was over i slapped sanemi and obanai's head really hard. "Where were your manners during the meeting. Huh do i really have to keep you both in line every single time" i said.

"Oi who do you think you are hitting to" sanemi said. "Wanna fight?" I ask. "Later i don't have time for you" he said as he starts walking away I'll pull his hair and drag him to shinubo's manoor. "Better get that arm treated" i said to him as I started walking away.

"I'll talk to obanai later" i thought to myself. I was walking back to my manoor when i saw shinubo sitting by the lake. She looks worried. So i went and sat next to her. "Hey are you okay?" I ask. She didn't say anything. After a few minutes of silence she spoke "You know yn i love tomioka-san so much but i don't know how to tell him. You are his friend right? Can you please tell me what he likes or dislikes." She turned towards me. I was shocked and i could feel my heart breaking in pieces. "Oh I'm sorry we aren't that close. But he did like simmered salmon with daikon it's like his favourite comfort food. Oh i forget nii chan wanted to talk to me. I'll see you later and tell me if it was helpful."

I started walking away. I could feel tears forming in my eyes. I started to run towards my mansion when i bumped into someone "oi watch it" he said but when he saw me "yn are you okay? You look like you are about to cry." He asked "she loves him and planning to confess soon" i told him in a whisper voice . No one really knows about my feelings for giyu except Sami and obanai yes they both are annoying as hell but they are the best brother like friends i could ask for, whenever nii chan unintentionally mean to me they both always stand up for me. I love them and I'm also helping obanai to get mitsuri. They both are supper cute together.

Surprisingly Sami hugged me and the tears i was desperately trying to keep in started to fall. "It's fine, let it all out" he said.

No one's pov:

Giyu is on his way to butterfly manoor to see tanjiro. He turn the conver and saw sanemi and yn hugging. He glare at Sami who was glaring back. Both males didn't say anything. After few minutes of staring giyu gose back to his manoor.

Sanemi pov:

I didn't hear her cry anymore "oi are you okay now?" I asked her. But I didn't get any response i saw her asleep. I pick her up and walked towards her manoor. I put her on her bed and asked my crow to call Kanroji here.

She arrives and i told her everything and ask her to changer clothes. She did and went to make something for all of us. But just then my crow come and told me about my new mission. I said my bye and left.

No one's pov:

mitsuri started to make dinner for her and yn. After few hours yn woke up and was surprised to see herself in her manoor. She goes down and saw mitsuri in her kitchen trying to make dinner but.......failed badly.

Yn pov:

"What are you doing" i ask her "oh sorry yn. Did i wake you? I was just trying to make dinner for us" she said. "don't worry you didn't wake me up" i said with a smile. "Oh and I'll make dinner for both of us but you have to come with me to kill some demons deal?" I ask.

"Deal. Ne yn why didn't you tell me you like tomioka-san." "Huh i thought you know since you ship us so much" "ehh i didn't know you have feelings for him. I shipped you guys because you look so cute and perfect together." She said.

"Pff i see anyway dinner is ready. Do you wanna eat before killing or after killing." I ask "after kill is fine" she reply. I nodded in response

"Give me a minute I'll change first" she nodded. After changing we went to mountain.


"Breathing of light second form: shadow slash" i said as i run in lighting speed sending attacks from different directions. And finally cut it's neck. "Are you okay yn?" "Yeah don't worry about me" i reply with a smile. "Can you go home alone? I just want some time for myself if that okay with" "sure but will be alright by yourself?" "Ofcourse don't worry". She walk away. Started to walk around in woods when i sense pretty strong demon. Without thinking twice i start running towards its direction.

When i got there i saw atleast 6-7 bodies. "It looks like they just got killed. Only if i got here earlier, they all might have lived" i started to walk around to find the demon. I sense something behind me and dodge a sharp looking object by inches. A demon walk towards me then i saw, it was an upper moon..

"Upper moon 7" written in her eyes..

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoy it and please do vote I'll see you in the next chapter.

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