chapter 8: new start

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I smiled at him and started to lose my consciousness..

Aki pov:

I wrap my hori around her stomach tightly so she doesn't lose much blood,hold her tight and run as fast as I can to butterfly manoor. "Don't worry you will be fine i wouldn't let you die" i mumble to her. She has a faint heart beat. "This is all my fault i should have let her go all those years ago I'm sorry yn please be fine i promise I'll change I'll treat you better but please don't leave" i throught to myself.

"SHINOBU COME HERE FAST" i yell as i got to her manoor. She came out and told me to follow her. I lay down her on on bed when shinubo told me to go out and get myself checked just in case if i got some internal injuries.


It has been 3 months since the battle with upper moon 3 and she still hasn't woken up yet. I can't help but to blame myself if only i could have reverse time and make everything right if only i didn't act like the pathetic brother who distance his little sister only to show he is all fine by himself.

"Hey nn, how are you today. Shinubo told me you are doing better than before and might wake up soon. I promise I'll get my act together when you wake up i promise to make up for every pain i have caused you by now but please just get up. I'm really sorry for all of the pain . I was just jealous of you everybody adored you, and whenever father comes back from his mission he always asks for you and get things for you whereas he was always strict toward me i have to start training when i was 5 years old, he never praised me never buy any present or show any kind of affection towards me. That's when i started to get jealous of you. After father died, uncle and aunt showed me what's love they care about me never ignored my feelings and treat us equally. But when you killed uncle i was furious the only person who showed love was killed by own sister. By the way i know he did become a demon and killed aunt. But it was too much for me to take in and i let it out all on you. After you run away i did try to find you but it was useless you were no where to be seen. After days of trying i gave up i thought you hate me and never wanted to see me ever again. I started to live in our old house where i found father's book about his breathing. I started to train everyday passed final selection and become a demon slayer i killed more then 100 demons then i become hashira. When i saw you i thought you are here to turn everyone against me and i was scared, scared to be left alone again. And when i got to know you are a hashira i have to prove that I'm better then you. i don't care if you yell at me hate me or don't want to see me but I'll do everything to make it up to you i know no matter how many times i say sorry it wouldn't going to change past or the pain i cause. But still I'm sorry yn".

I saw yn finger twitching then she open her eyes slowly and look at me. Her hand coming toward my face i thought she was going to hit me, she wiped my tear away that i didn't even notice.

She smile at me and said "it's okay nii chan i forgive you after all you are my family. But still have to buy me food for the of your life"

I chuckle and said "sure but you have to get better before". We had a good long talk about what happened after she run away and i apologies to her again and again. She told me to stop apologies and she has forgive me.

"Good night nn, i have to go now. I will see you tomorrow before going on my mission and don't worry I'll make sure to buy something for you on my way back."

"Sure" she said with a smile

Thank you for reading this tbh i have no idea wtf am i even writing anyway i hope you enjoy it and please do vote

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