chapter 23: date

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"Yn do you maybe want to go to the festival with me" he said while scratching his back of the head I chuckled and said yes. "Alright I'll pick up today at 8 sounds good?" "Sure."

Yn pov:

After I left his manoor. I directly run towards mitsuri's manoor. "MITSURIIIIIIIIIIIIII" i yell as i enter her manoor. I saw obanai was there too."opps did I disturb their date." I thought to myself "Yn what happened" "yeah yn what happened" obanai asked in most annoyed voice. "Giyuaskedforadateandidontknowhowtoactinadate" i said super fast. highly doubt they understand even starting. "What" they both said at same time. "Giyu asked me on a date and i said yes but i don't know what to do. I need your help mitsuri please please please."

"Oh my my
Yn" she said with whole universe stars in her eyes. "Of course I'll help you. After all. I'm love hashira for a reason." "REALLY THANK YOU THANK YOU SOOO MUCH MITSURI YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU" i say excitedly.

i may or may not have forgot obanai was there too. " Aww yn i love you too" she said hugging me. I looked over to obanai who was giving me death stares which i admit sacred me. "Sorry" i mouthed him. He just roll his eyes.

"I should get going" obanai said. "Oh iguro-san why don't we help yn together" she asked him. His face is sooo reddd. "Oh are you okay your whole face is so red" mitsuri said as she put her hand on his forehead to check his temperature. "Oh my iguro-san you are so hot" she. He blushed so hard while i struggle soo hard to control my laugh.

"I- i need to go. Uzui asked me to meet him at the entertainment district." He said as he run out of the manoor. I laugh sooooo hard after he left. Mitsuri hide her face behind her hands. She is soo embarrassed. "Yn- do you think he is mad" "mad?" I said inbetween laughter "he was blushing love". This make her blushed now. "Ehh" she said.

"Anyway now you are going to help me with my date." "Ofcourse I'll dressed you so well that tomioka-san wouldn't able to take his eyes off you~" she said in her flirty voice. "For that i doesn't need to dress up but opposite" i wink at her. She laughed as she started giving me tips.

Next day at mitsuri manoor...

She show me some of the kimonos but one standard out most. It was a white kimono with pink purple flower print on it.

(I couldn't able to find a full picture of this kimono but it's something like this)

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(I couldn't able to find a full picture of this kimono but it's something like this)

"Neee yn you are looking soo pretty" she said as i tried it on. "Thank you" i said while. "Now what should I do about my hair" "i have an idea" she said as she started doing my hair.

"So what do you think" "i love it" i said happily

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"So what do you think" "i love it" i said happily. "Oh i bet tomioka-san wouldn't able to take his eyes off you" shinobu said scaring us both. "Gezz when did you come" "just now" "by the way shinobu are you okay with me going out with giyu?" "Of course yn, for a while i seem forgot my main goal for joining the demon slayer corps. I need to defeat that ugly brat and avenge my sister". I hugged her. "You are best, strong and genius. So don't worry I'm sure you can do it." she smiles at me. "yn you don't wanna be late for your date now do you?". "What time is it" "7:45".

"WHAT, I NEED TO GET MY MANSION SOON" i yell as i run for my dear life. "Please hairs don't get messy. I promise to wash you 3 times a week" i said like they can hear and understand me. I barely made it and got in my manoor by the back door. I did little final touch.

I heard a soft knock on my door. I saw giyu in blue kimono. He let his hair open.

(I don't know who this men is (kinda look like muzan tho) but god damn it I'm in love

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(I don't know who this men is (kinda look like muzan tho) but god damn it I'm in love. Sadly I wasn't able to find giyu's picture in Kimono so i had to use someone else.)

"Oh my god he is so hot. I can't wait to ban-" "like what you see?~" he said in a flirty voice interrupting my thoughts. "Oh you bet i do~" i said returning the same energy. "I see" he said as he came close to my ear and whispered "you know you look too beautiful to go out in that dress~"

I smirk as i pull him inside and pin him against the wall. I slowly move my face towards his. I get close to his ear as i whisper back "~you aren't looking any less hot. Just to let you know you are staying over tonight" His whole face was red as a tomato.

I give him a quick kiss as i said. "Come on we don't wanna be late now. Do we?" "Ye-yeah" he said. I hold his hand as we walk to the location.

Thank you all for reading. I hope you enjoy it and please do vote. I'll see you in the next chapter<33333

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