chapter 6: training ground

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I cried myself to sleep.

Yn pov:

Next day...

I heard someone knocking on my door. "Coming" i said as i ran to open. "Ohaiyo yn-san" shinobu said. "Oh ohaiyo shinubo-san. Come on in" i asked. She let herself in and said "we all are going to train in training ground do you wanna join us?" "Sure why not, can you wait i just have to change" i ask she nodded in response.When we got there "oi yn wanna fight i want see how strong you really are" he said "alright but don't cry after you get your ass beaten"i said with a smirk.

We got in position "count on 3" "1"..."2"..."3" breathing of light second form: shadow slash" "breathing of wind first form: Dust Whirlwind Cutter" we run inhuman speed, try to confuse each other. I jump in the air and attack him. He blocks it with his sword."nice defence" i said "nice attack" he replied. "Breathing of light third form: Twilight" i jump in air again and attack him again "breathing of wind third form:Clean Storm Wind Tree" he whirlwind of slashes around his body and try to block my attack. I smirk as i saw his head was unprotected, i lightly hit his head with the back of my sword. Which causes him to faint. "Oops" i said while smiling innocently.

I saw everyone as they looked shocked. "Are you.....all aright?" I ask "yeah it just none of us has ever succeeded in making him faint.... of course except Himejima-san" shinubo said. I look at my brother he was furious but why. "Well well now let's see if you are able to defeat me" nii chan said. I just nodded in response. "I need to defeat him i need to show him I'm not just a mistake" i thought to myself.

We got in position "on count of 3"...."1"...."2"..."breathing of sky second form: Dance of the Cardinal" "hey wait i haven't done counting" tengen said. Nii chan jump in the air and twisting in mid air. "I see nii chan defence and attack at once nice" i said to myself. "Breathing of light first form: beam of light" i said as i realised a powerful light. I smirked to myself "now I'll show you nii chan. I'm stronger and more useful then you" i thought to myself. Light hit him and make him blind for few minutes"now's my chance" i said. "Breathing of light forth form:solar flair" as i swing my sword in circular motion and send a slash towards nii chan "oh shit no no no that wasn't supposed happened if that hit him he will definitely get cut in half" i thought to myself " breathing of light second form: shadow slash" i said as i run in lighting speed and cut my own attack.

I fell in ground taking some breaths in and out I looked at nii chan who looked shocked. "Why are you shocked?" I asked.."none of your business" he replied. "Aww not even a thank you. What happened to your manner nii chan".
"Shut up thanks and I'm not your nii chan" he said. I smile atleast i got thanks for him.

I watch as everyone train with each other. I feel someone's presence besides me. When i look and my eyes met his. "What's this weird feeling" i thought to myself. "You know you got some beautiful moves" he said which casue me to blush"wait why am I blush do i like him? No that can't i just met him like 2 days ago but hey no one said you can't fall in love within 2 i....AM I IN LOVE? WHAT THE FUCK okay okay yn come down you have to reply to him or else he will think your dumbass which you really are but we don't want him to know that atleast not yet... I'm definitely going crazy"(in mind) "hey yn" "HE CALLED ME BY MY NAME HZHEIDBDBZNHXJSJ"(in mind) "hehe(nervous laugh) yeah sorry i zone out for a sec oh and thank you for the compliment " i said while smiling..

"Alright I'll see you later then" he said. "JajdhdbsnHE SAID HE WILL SEE ME LATER.. IS IT HAPPENING DID I FINALLY FOUND THE LOVE OF MY LIFE WILL I GET MARRIED TO HIM" (still in mind....) "Ano yn-san are you alright you are all red" "oh yeah mitsuri-san I'm fine, it jus...sun yeah it's too hot today" "but it's winter" "i see oh is that obanai-san?" "Ehh where?" She said while looking for him. I took a chance and escape from there.

I saw tomioka-san and nii chan arguing about something i wonder what they are arguing about. Then nii chan push tomioka-san. I stand between both of them "what do you think you are doing nii chan, you are a hashira you should know that it's against corps rule to physical fight against your fellow members." I said with no expectation on my face. "It's none of your businesse" he said. I turn around and helped tomioka San to get on his feets "are you okay tomioka-san, you didn't get hurt did you?" I ask "no it's alright" he reply.

We left from there to Mountains where he show me one of this fav. Place it was really beautiful "ln-san-" "please just call me yn" i said with a smile. Why tf is my heart pounding so much when I'm with him i ask myself. "Okay so yn i made something for you but can you please close your eyes?" He ask i closed my eyes and felt something on my head "okay you can open now" he said. I open myself and see it was flower crown on my head. "It's so beautiful thank you sooo much tomioka-san" "I'll call you yn only if you call me giyu" he said. I smile and nodded "okay giyu it's really beautiful thank you " i said.

Thank you for reading and I'm really sorry if you feel cringe 💀. Please do vote and I'll see you in next chapter

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