Chapter 2

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Year 2148

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Year 2148

Taehyung could feel his heartbeat nearly stopping at his answer. The surroundings were completely blurred for him now, only his low heartbeat could be heard.

Year 2148

What was so special about this year? It wouldn't have been of any importance if this Park Jimin or his identity himself, Kim Jun-soo were here. He could feel his body shake.

' How is this possible? How did I enter my novel?'

Taehyung hoped this was a dream. He hoped that this was a nightmare and he would wake up soon. Maybe he had read too many transmigration novels that they had gotten to his head?

Taehyung had once read that loneliness can make a person crazy.

" Ha ha ha... so have I finally gone crazy?" He lowly chuckled to himself but heard a voice that interrupted his train of thoughts.

" Yes I do feel so... Jun-soo, maybe we need to see a doctor soon," Jimin said and Taehyung could feel Jimin's hand holding him tightly.

" This... This can't be a dream..." Taehyung had finally come to accept the fact that he was in his novel. Because usually, if he gets dreams of people, he can't see them or feel them. But everything here was too real to be a dream.

" Finally! The author is quick to read his situation!!!" 

Taehyung heard a girly voice which made him look around.

" Who are you!? How do you know that I'm the author and not the character!?" Taehyung asked sharply, forgetting that Jimin was right beside him.

" Jun-soo I'm getting scared now... Please stop this..." Jimin said softly but the situation was already too much for Taehyung.

" I'm not your fucking Jun-"

" I would advise you to stop right there, dear author. Here you are not Kim Taehyung but Kim Jun-soo," The voice interrupted Taehyung who gritted his teeth in annoyance.

He breathed out once to calm himself down and looked at Jimin with a small, fake smile.

" I'm so sorry Jimin. I was pranking you. Guess I went too far. I'm sorry, I didn't want to scare you like that," He said sheepishly which made Jimin sigh in relief.

" I knew you and your tricks you bastard! Your annoying ass is going to be the death of me one day!" He said angrily.

" Um, Jimin... I'm still feeling a little weak. Can I rest?" He asked carefully, wanting Jimin to go quickly.

This situation was too confusing for him. His mind was creating a lot of possibilities and he didn't like any of them at all. Only if Jimin goes can he ask the voice about what really is happening.

" Oh my god let me help you-" Jimin gasped and was about to pick Taehyung up.

" No no! It's fine... I have a little strength to get up and go towards the bed myself," Taehyung said awkwardly. He wasn't used to people helping him intimately.

" Okay... I'll make something for you... Ugh, I have done too much work today... you better pay me back!" Jimin huffed making Taehyung chuckle at his cuteness.

He nodded. " I will,"

As soon as Jimin walked out of the room, his face went serious.

" Who are you?" He asked and looked around but heard a giggle in response.

" Why so serious author? I request you to stop looking here and there. I am nowhere." The voice answered calmly which only irked Taehyung further.

" Goddammit, what the hell are you!? And why am I in my own book!?" Taehyung's frustration was growing as every minute passed. He wanted to go back to his world. He did not belong here.

" Calm down author. I'll explain everything to you. First please settle on the bed. You still must be weak from migrating inside," The voice suggested which made Taehyung roll his eyes.

' Calm down Taehyung, you need answers from her,' He thought to himself as he walked towards the bed and laid down.

" Who are you-"

He was about to ask the identity of the voice when she interrupted him.

" You can think of me as your guide author. You can call me your system. In times when you would be confused about the situation in this story, I'll be the one helping you out!" The system said enthusiastically.

" Why am I here though!? I can't be here! I need to go back. I don't like this," Taehyung complained. He really didn't like this situation. He was anyways a left-out person in his real world, he wasn't a fool to be an outcast here too.

" I really don't know what brought you here author. But I do know that you can't get out till you complete your mission," The system said making Taehyung eager to know about it.

" So if I complete the mission, I can go back?" Taehyung asked once again to confirm and got a positive reply from the voice. " Then tell me about the mission! I'll complete it if that's what I need to do to get back where I belong!"

" Ha ha ha... So excited for your mission? Well, you've got only one mission because the mission isn't an easy one," The voice warned with a hint of teasing but it still made Taehyung gulp.

" Tell me about it," Taehyung repeated his words and one could hear the determination in his voice. 

" You know who you are right?"

" Kim Taehyung,"

" In this book,"

" ... Kim Jun-soo?"

" And what was your character sketch about him?"

Taehyung went into deep thought for a while. And then he suddenly widened his eyes.

" I'm going to die!?" He exclaimed in horror.

" Applauds for the author! You got that right!!! Kim Jun-soo is the antagonist in your story. The one who always fought with the protagonist. He fell in love with the male lead but the male lead fell in love with the protagonist. And in a fit of anger and jealousy, Kim Jun-soo did everything to make the protagonist suffer and get the male lead for himself. He even tried to seduce the male lead. The male lead forgave him once, twice, thrice just because the protagonist was too nice and didn't want the male lead to take any wrong steps. But in the end, the male lead killed him because Jun-soo was about to kill his lover, the protagonist,"  The system narrated the complete story which didn't help Taehyung feel good at all.

" Lord why am I the villain!? You could've made me Park Jimin instead!" Taehyung whined. " If I play the character as it is and die later, will I able to... go back?"

" No. Once you die here, you die. And that's where your mission comes into play," The system said, making Taehyung get up quickly.

" Don't tell me..."

" You got that right! I'm relieved that the author is smart enough!" The system praised.

" Your mission is to survive" 


I had two options for Taehyung. One was being the protagonist and the other was the antagonist. Initially, I started writing the chapters with Taehyung as the protagonist. Then one day I thought making him the villain would make things spicy. So I deleted all my hard work and started writing this again T-T 

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