Chapter 34

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As Taehyung got back home, dropped by Jungkook, the euphoria and butterflies he felt at the success party were replaced by an unsettling feeling that something was wrong

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As Taehyung got back home, dropped by Jungkook, the euphoria and butterflies he felt at the success party were replaced by an unsettling feeling that something was wrong.

He sanked into his couch, weariness engulfing him, but Jin's absence lingered in his thoughts.

" He should have been there... Why didn't he come?" He mumbled to himself as Jin's absence gnawed at him him until he remembered a rule the system had once mentioned to him.

If one of the three characters; Jungkook, Jin or Taehyung aren't present at a particular plot that is mentioned by the author in the book, the day and the plot would repeat.

" The day would repeat tomorrow,"

Taehyung reassured himself. Because apparently, there wasn't any other explanation to this. And even if there was, his fatigue dismissed it all.






The next morning, Taehyung woke up with his personal a.i waking him up. He rubbed his eyes as the first thing he did was check the day and date.

The sleepiness he had washed away in a snap as he got up with wide eyes.

The day did not repeat which meant the plot would not repeat which also meant that Jin was missing from a whole narrative.

" How is this even possible!? Why did the day not repeat!?" He summoned the system at the sudden missing of the main character.

" Author—"

" Don't 'Author' me! Jin wasn't present and he is an important character too... so why didn't the day repeat?" He demanded answers but could only hear an awkward laugh.

" About that," The system hesitated and Taehyung had a gut feeling what she was going to say next was no good.

" I was going to inform you about the change in your mission..."

" Change... Change in mission!? You said I had only one mission and that was to survive!"

" I said that before you took the protagonist's place," She revealed which caused a silence for a few seconds.

" I took the protagonist's place!?" Taehyung asked in horror, " Their fate was written to be together! How can it change by my mere presence!?"

" Only if your presence was mere. No matter which character you would've played here, your presence would not be mere because you are the writer. It was you who had written their fate together, don't forget that,"

" But I had already written it! Why did it change!?"

" Because you decided to change the villain's complete character," She answered it calmly as if all of this wasn't a big deal.

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