Chapter 13

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Taehyung never knew he would get to experience a new life all over again

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Taehyung never knew he would get to experience a new life all over again. The life he had seen from afar, the famous people getting attention and love he never thought he would get, now seemed to be him.

Taehyung suddenly remembers why this book was important to him. Actually, Jin's life depicted his life. Whatever happened to him, was written as Jin's background plot. And whatever good things that would happen to Jin, were his dreams. Take an example of successful love life. He never had one so he wrote Jin having one.

But he never thought that those characters would be real people someday. They might be fictional, but for him, they still feel emotions. And Taehyung didn't want Jin to go through what he had gone.

He vividly remembers a plot where Jin wanted to quit it all too. And Taehyung has decided that he won't let that plot come at all.

" I heard you lost your important project Jin," Jimin said worriedly after hearing some gossips from the students.

Jin scoffed. " Why are you asking? Wasn't it your best friend's doing again?"

Jimin furrowed his eyebrows. " Excuse me? First of all I asked you because I was worried and my best friend whom you are talking about, he was the one who sent me saying he'd find the person out for you,"

Jin was taken aback at that. " It wasn't him?"

" Come-on, I know he is done really bad to you but you've yourself seen that he is trying to change. Why don't you give him a chance?"

" Give him a chance for what? It's easy for you to say but no one was there for me when I cried countless times. No one was there for me when I suffered. My personal life was already shit, but you famous people made my university life shit too! How would I trust him anymore?"

" Look-"

" Jin!" Taehyung's cheery voice interrupted their conversation.

" I found your project! And about the people messing with you, I've taken care of them too!" He panted as he came running towards them.

Jin dumbly looked at the project and then back at Taehyung. This was one of the important and last project of his literature class for this year.

" About people messing with me, what about you?" He asked while checking if his project was still pristine.

" Ouch! So very mean of you," Taehyung's adorable pout did melt him a little.

" Now you are just being too much. Why did I even feel sorry for someone like you?" Jimin asked when Jin didn't even thank his best friend.

" Sure. Because that's all you could do. That's what everyone does. They just feel sorry. No one comes out to help, do they?" Jin asked chuckling bitterly.

" It's fine Chim. He doesn't have to say thank you. I believe that he will see how hard I am trying to be his friend," Taehyung smiled sweetly and pulled Jimin with him who wanted to say something back to Jin.

Jin watched them walk away and sighed.

" T-Thank you, Taehyung," He said quickly and walked away, because saying thank you to him was just too much.

Taehyung's boxy smiled widened at Jin's words. He was about to say welcome when he he saw Jin already walking away.

" I don't like him anymore. He is just being rude now. And it wasn't like he never fought back to you. He even pushed you at the pool. Ok fine, he doesn't want to give you a chance, but when you help he shouldn't be this mean," Jimin huffed, not liking Jin's attitude at all.

" I understand where he is coming from Chim. It's fine, his words actually aren't that mean for me, you know," Taehyung said, the smile on his face never leaving.




Jin would lie if he said his life at the university had not improved. No one dared to bully him anymore because Taehyung had claimed him.

Yeah, that's what people say.

Taehyung. Jin just cannot pin point on what changed between them. Suddenly one day his bully comes and tells him he wants to be friends with him and helps him out everytime he is in trouble. This wasn't the Taehyung he knew. He always believed Taehyung would never change.

At first, he thought that this was just another act to embarrass him or bully him. But he had observed him the past few days. Taehyung rarely talks to him and always makes sure no one bullies him in his absence.

Taehyung is messing up with Jin's brain. He just cannot understand his actions. Like right now.

He was here alone, eating in the cafeteria when Taehyung and his best friend suddenly sat with him. He could hear whispers and gossips going on around him but he could care less.

" What are you doing here?" Jin asked, hoping that Taehyung would tell him to get up and go somewhere else. Because that's the Taehyung he knows.

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows. " What do you mean by that question? Of course I am here to eat,"

" ... Yes, but why here? Didn't you once say that you don't sit with lower class people?"

" Oh? Yeah I don't. That's why I am not sitting with Min-jun anymore," He shrugged.

" But Min-jun is rich! I am poor! Am I not the one lowe-"

" You are calling yourself poor and lower class and then get angry if other people call you that. Sometimes I can't understand you," Taehyung shook his head dramatically.

Jin banged the table in frustration. " You don't understand me? Actually it's me who doesn't understand you!"

Taehyung slightly flinched at Jin's outburst. Was this really the guy who forgave him three times and tried to save him from the mafia boss? Because it didn't seem that way.

" At least you are trying to understand me," Taehyung said but actually it seemed like a flirt to everyone present around.

They gasped. " Don't tell me there's something going on between them!"

" No way! Taehyung and that Jin? Not possible in this life!"

" Am I watching an enemies to lover drama!? Because it feels like one!"

" Who'd top though?"

Jin shut his mouth and looked at Taehyung who blinked back innocently at him. Taehyung actually didn't care for their comments because he knew Jin already had someone who would love him and care for him with no boundaries.

He cleared his throat, as he took his plate with him. " I'll get going,"

Saying that, he immediately rushed out of the cafeteria, trying to get away from all the chatter. He doesn't know what happened to him suddenly. But he knew one thing.

He needed to calm his rushing heart.


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