Chapter 5

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University. It always reminded Taehyung of the dreadful, lonely days. While the other students spent time with their friends and had fun partying and enjoying their life away, Taehyung watched them from afar hoping to enjoy with someone too.

That's the only thing he could do. Hoping and expecting that he would have a life like that too.

Many instances at that time made him want to quit it all. Only his fierce passion for literature and tenacity in his dreams of becoming a writer had kept him going at that time.

Walking towards his locker, he removed a small square-shaped device that the system had told him about. They contained all the files that were required for his subjects related to business study.

He had studied a little about this course the previous day. Knowing absolutely nothing and having the least interest in it, he slept instead of reading the information.

" Tae, I'll be heading towards my class now. Be safe and don't start any fights today. You've just healed yesterday." Jimin warned his best friend and with a quick hug, left for his classroom.

Taehyung smiled a little while heading to his classes too. He still wasn't used to this. He never knew how friendship really worked. But he was liking this a little too much.

On his way, he observed the small device with an impressed look. He was really excited to use it, wanting to know how it would work.

" Ugh... I am sorry-" Taehyung had bumped into someone and knowing it was his fault, he clumsily apologized to the person.

Just as he glanced up to look at the person, he was left aghast with his beauty. Shiny dark brown hair, clear skin, luscious lips, big eyes with beautiful eyelashes- Taehyung could continue to praise the beauty of the male.

But he was interrupted by whispers around them.

" I am sorry. I should've looked ahead instead of being in my own world," He cleared his throat and apologized.

A series of gasps were heard along with a surprised look on the male in front of him.

' System... what the hell is with their reaction? I just apologized-'

" To the protagonist. You've apologized to Kim Seokjin, the protagonist whom you've always bullied, that's why you're getting such a reaction," She replied to his questions which made him widen his eyes.

' He's Jin!? Omg, I knew he had to be someone important if he holds such beauty,' Taehyung thought enthusiastically.

The system only snickered. " Says who?"

Jin's surprised look then changed to an annoyed one. " What's with your new act huh? Angry over the fact that I pushed you at the pool? I'll absolutely not apologize for that. You were the one who started-"

" But I never told you to apologize to me," Taehyung interrupted him, furrowing his eyebrows. 

Jin scoffed. " What do you really want? Or did you hit your head hard at the pool?"

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