Chapter 24

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" What next?"

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" What next?"

Taehyung asked as Jin guided him through building a tent. Today they were having staying at a forest near the village they were going at. And Taehyung absolutely knew nothing about it.

" I knew you won't know anything about the tent but you literally don't know anything," Jin said because from the past few minutes, all Taehyung did was to ask ' What next?' and all Jin did was guide him through it, practically doing all the work by himself.

" E-Excuse me! I am going to help get the woods later too! And I'm trying okay! What if I go and ask you something related to business? Can you answer? In the same way-"

" Okay okay I get it. Stop defending yourself and atleast help me hammer this," He rolled his eyes at Taehyung's babbling and pointed at the nail.

Taehyung huffed and did as he said.

" Finally," Jin realeased a sigh of relief, " Now let's tell mam that we have completed building tent and help the other's getting wood," Jin said making Taehyung nod.

The only thing Taehyung could listen was the crackling sound of the dry leaves they were walking on, but the silence between him and Jin was rather comfortable.

They picked up dry twigs and woods for campfire but Taehyung kept on feeling that Jin perpetually kept looking at him.

" Um... Is there something you want to talk about?" Taehyung asked as he stopped his work and turned to Jin who jerked his head to the other side in the fear of being caught.

" N-No! Why would you think so!?" He laughed awkwardly as he kept doing his work.

Taehyung scrunched his eyebrows. " But you kept looking at me. You can talk to me... I will try to help you out if it is in my hands," He said softly, trying to assure Jin that he really could be trusted.

Jin sighed knowing there was no way out of this. He was caught and he should be answerable for it.

" There's something going around our university..." He started.

Taehyung hummed lowly, asking him to continue.

" So... As it is known for a fact that you are gay," He started nervously, " And that I am also gay... And as you've started being so protective around me... People think that... that we are- dating" Jin fumbled around, the word ' dating' coming out in a whisper but all Taehyung did was stare at him blankly.

" People think that we're dating?" Taehyung asked again, hoping that it was some sort of hearing malfunction. But Jin's nod broke all his hope.

" ... And?" Taehyung asked him once again.

Jin looked at him confused. " And?"

" Is it bothering you? Are people bullying you because of it? Do I need to do something about this matter?" All Taehyung cared about was not having Jin on his bad side. But only if he also cared about what he was saying because his words had just made Jin's heart race.

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