Chapter 10

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" Come in,"

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" Come in,"

Taehyung could feel his legs getting heavy after he heard the mafia boss' voice for the first time.

He wanted to run right now and hide somewhere but he couldn't. He gulped as he entered the room without making a lot of noise.

The door suddenly closed behind him, startling him at that. He walked towards the mafia boss, standing before him. He wanted to speak but no words ever came out of his mouth.

" What is-" Jungkook started, annoyed at the silence but when he looked at Taehyung, he abruptly stopped.

And then, he stared at Taehyung for minutes making the other feel uncomfortable at every passing second.

" Kim Taehyung," His velvety voice made Taehyung look at him. A tall man with raven hair, good built body and a suit. Taehyung's gay was close to come out but the only thing that stopped him was the fact that he was the mafia boss. And his fictional character who might kill him.

Taehyung gulped.

' Okay Taehyung. Apologize and tell him the reason,'

" I'm sorry-"

" Kiss me," Jungkook's voice interrupted him. Taehyung looked at him, his brain trying to comprehend his words.

" ...Eh?" He squeaked out in confusion but Jungkook kept staring at him blankly.

" Kiss me," Jungkook repeated his words, silently observing Taehyung's reactions.

' S-System...'

" Yes my dear author?" The system chirped making Taehyung irritated.

' What is happening!? Why am I suddenly told to kiss him!?'

" I don't really know author. But then again, it wasn't me who kissed him," She answered back sarcastically which didn't help Taehyung at all.

" Umm... I guess I heard it wrong again... I j-just bathed and there's water in my ears... yeah" Taehyung stuttered nervously. His potential killer was right in front of him so he couldn't help but feel his heart beating as a reaction of his nervousness.

He saw the mafia boss sigh. " Kim Taehyung. I have a limited patience. And I don't like repeating my words,"

Taehyung went white at the tone of his voice.

" Author, calm down. Just do as he says and save yourself, that's what I voice on. He seems to get angrier the more you delay and we don't want you to get killed at the start itself," The system said calmly as if everything was fine. 

It didn't help Taehyung much, but it did make him calm down a little.

' I trust you on getting my ass out of this novel safely and soundly. If I die here, I would curse you unhappiness forever. You hear that!?'

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