Chapter 44

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Jungkook couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment as he strolled through the bustling shopping mall with Taehyung by his side

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Jungkook couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment as he strolled through the bustling shopping mall with Taehyung by his side. The sight of numerous couples scattered throughout the mall brought a smile to his face. Yoongi was right, his wife did bring him to a date.

Taehyung, on the other hand, left out a big sigh, sulking at the eyes on them... again. Jungkook's men trailed behind them watchfully and discreetly, their presence hardly unnoticed by the other shoppers. But Jungkook was too busy looking at his wife with hearty eyes to notice them.

As they wandered through the mall, Taehyung's eyes lit up whenever they passed a clothing store. "Let's check out some hoodies first," he suggested eagerly.

Jungkook nodded, smiling. "Sure thing, wife. Lead the way."

Inside the store, Taehyung grabbed a handful of hoodies who was followed by a lost Jungkook. He thrust them into Jungkook's arms. "Try these on!"

Jungkook nodded obediently. Husband duty number one: Try on all the the clothes given by wife- In Action!

As he disappeared into the fitting room, Taehyung browsed through the racks, humming to himself. When Jungkook emerged in the first hoodie, Taehyung's eyes scanned him in displeasure.

" This one is just not it. Try the other ones,"

Jungkook walked out wearing all of them one by one. Taehyung was busy in giving his judgement; liking some and disliking others. But the mafia boss was having the time of his life as every time he emerged out of the trial room, he could see his wife giving cute reactions and explanations as to why he should buy a hoodie or not.

" Okay last one!" He held up a bold hoodie in excitement.

And when Jungkook slipped it on and showed it to Taehyung, his eyes widened in amusement. " Wow, that's... something," Taehyung said, struggling to contain his laughter, but couldn't help and laugh loudly at the rainbow coloured hoodie that had ' I'm cute so love me!' written on it.

Jungkook's men chuckled as well but well... they've stopped getting surprised when it came to the mafia boss doing something for his wife.

The mafia boss grinned as well, his heart swelling at his wife's laughter. " A bit too much hmm?"

Taehyung looked at him only to burst out laughing yet again. " Okay I'll love you because you're cute~!" He wheezed and struggled to breathe but everytime he looked at his boyfriend, he couldn't help but laugh.

As Taehyung's laughter subsided, Jungkook closed the distance between them, his hand finding its place naturally on Taehyung's waist. The playful atmosphere shifted, replaced by a charged energy as Jungkook leaned in, his lips brushing against Taehyung's ear.

"You know," Jungkook murmured huskily, his breath sending shivers down Taehyung's spine, "I'd wear the most ridiculous clothes every day if it meant seeing that beautiful smile of yours."

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