Chapter 6

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Taehyung walked coolly with his hands in his pocket towards the guys

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Taehyung walked coolly with his hands in his pocket towards the guys.

" What do you think you are doing?"

The guys stopped and turned around to Taehyung.

" I was just showing him the difference between us and him. He has started thinking that he is great just because we've been going easy on him. He even had the guts to embarrass you today,"

" Exactly. I was the one he embarrassed so I know how to take care of it. Who do you think you are to take care of my problems? You think I am not enough for myself?" Taehyung asked raising an eye brow.

The guy in front of him chuckled nervously.

" That's not it-"

" You better not meddle in my business. From now on, no one should ever dare touch him, you got it? I know how to deal with my problems myself," Taehyung said, making the boys nod quickly.

" By the way Taehyung, I've arranged a party at the 88 lounge tomorrow. I hope you come," He said, giving him a chip which contained the invitation.

" Is he going?" Taehyung asked, glancing at Jin.

" Why would I invite-"

" Then I'm not going too," He shrugged and was about to turn around to Jin when he was interrupted by the guy's voice.

" I now understand why you are asking for his invitation. Fine, he is invited too," The guy said with a chuckle.

' ... Why was that so easy?' Taehyung thought to himself, suspicious of their words.

" Because the real plot goes that way. In the real plot you asked Jin to be invited and he said yes, that's why it was so easy," The system answered his question.

Taehyung just nodded and turned around to help Jin.

" Get up," He said softly while lending a hand to Jin. Then he pulled him out of the cafeteria before he spoke any word to him.

" Leave my hand, " Jin pulled his hand out from Taehyung's grip. " I don't need your help,"

" Shut the fuck up and follow me, " Taehyung warned, pulling Jin with him again.

" I am sorry but are there any extra clothes available for him? His clothes are all soaked," Taehyung asked one of the workers working at the university and got a positive reply.

Taking Jin with him, the worker lend him a shirt. He guided him to a room where he could change.

As Taehyung watched him go, his legs gave up, making him hold to some support.

" Oh my god... I was so fucking scared! I thought I could pee anytime due to the attention I was getting from everyone. I thought I would get punched-" He started freaking out hugging himself to make sure he was okay.

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