Chapter 37

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The days and nights went by with Taehyung looking for Jin but not having a single sign about him

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The days and nights went by with Taehyung looking for Jin but not having a single sign about him.

He knew Jin wasn't the type of person to skip university. No, Jin would never do that. Afterall his character setting was to do his best in the university so that he could be successful in the future.

... Actually, Taehyung doubts if the character settings were even relevant anymore. The story had changed so much and Jin wasn't even the protagonist anymore.

But even if the character setting might have changed, not coming to the university for so long just made Taehyung suspicious about it.

And to add to that, he just couldn't dismiss the feeling of unease and guilt in his stomach unless he found Jin and talked to him.

So here he was, outside Jungkook's company to get to know about Jin's apartment because that was the only place left to search and Taehyung was sure Jin would be there.

He has to.

The receptionist, who apparently knew Taehyung because he too belonged to one of the moneyed families in South Korea, told him to wait in the VIP waiting room as he had no prior appointment with Jungkook.

Taehyung agreed, sitting in the waiting room as he tapped his feet nervously. He just hoped that he would get to meet Jungkook today.

" You should've just given him a call!" The system exclaimed, making Taehyung shake his head.

" I should not disturb him just because he picks up my calls everytime. He has his own work and I have to respect that,"

Taehyung's words made the system scoff.

" You are now the protagonist, author. Why are you being so guilty about it? Let me remind you if you forgot, this is a romance fiction, not your real life that you have to make sure about everything. The story now revolves around you and the main character, so you don't have to take others into consideration,"

Taehyung sighed. " All the people here are very real to me. And their feelings are too. So I don't care about the main character thing or whatever, I'll just wait like a normal human being would,"

On the other hand, Taehyung was seen by Yoongi who widened his eyes when he saw Taehyung sitting in the waiting room. If his boss gets to know that his precious beloved was made to sit in the waiting room for him, the whole company would have to face the mafia boss' wrath.

He quickly aproached Taehyung and bowed to him, making Taehyung get up from his seat.

" Why are you bowing like that!?" He exclaimed in a hurry as he looked around, hoping that no one saw them.

" We are very sorry to keep you waiting like this, Mr. Kim. I request you to follow me," Yoongi said in a hurry.

" But doesn't he have his own work to do? Plus I have just made an appointment. I'll wait for some time—"

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