Chapter 7: A Sudden Change of Plans

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"Good morning, everyone." Dick spoke to the class as they all approached. "It's good to see you all here, present and accounted for."

"Good morning, Mister Grayson." Madame Bustier gave a small nod to Dick.

"Before we begin with our second half of the tour, I would like you all to meet Mr. Wayne over here." He gestured to the large man beside him who bowed his head slightly to the class with a soft smile. "He is here to talk to you all about what happened yesterday."

"Thank you, Dick. First of all, I would like to apologize to all of you that something like this happened while you were in my building. I am very grateful that all of you made it out relatively unharmed and I'm sorry that you, Miss Dupain-Cheng" The billionaire walked over to stand in front of the girl. "had to go through such a traumatic experience."

"N-no it's okay, Mr. Wayne." The young teen nervously replied to him. "I've dealt with villains before. And I'm sorry I smashed through your window." She chuckled weakly.

Bruce reached out and gently grabbed the girls' shoulder and she looked up at him with surprise. He opened his mouth to speak to her but before he could get a word out, Lila spoke first. "She should be sorry Bruce. Marinette likes to make big scenes."

Bruce turned to the girl and gave her one of his signature Bat Glares. She began to falter under his gaze but tried to continue because she knows better than to look weak. "I-I mean I saw her myself. She did it all on purpose." Alya tried to get her attention to stop her but she kept going. "Marinette gets jealous of me sometimes so she does whatever she can to call..." She started to shake under Bruce's stare. "t-to call attention to herself."

It went silent for a moment before Bruce spoke up. "Are you done?" He said in a no-nonsense voice. All Lila could to was nod. "Good. First of all, young lady, you can only refer to me as Mr. Wayne. Second of all, I will not tolerate your lies. I saw the videos of what actually happened. None of her actions were a result of attention seeking. Do not flatter yourself."

Lila did the only thing she knew how to do in the situation of her being cornered. She burst into the largest crocodile tears you had ever seen. Alya immediately went to her aid.

"Mr. Wayne," Alya busied herself with rubbing circles on Lila's back as she avoided eye contact with the billionaire. "That was kinda harsh, don't you think? Lila has been friends with your family for years. Speaking to her like that was very rude."

Bruce raised an eyebrow at this news. "Is that what she told you?"

Lila immediately stiffened, because for the first time in her life she actually regrets a lie she once said.

"I'll have you know, Miss Rossi, that a lie like that can be considered defamation or slander to the Wayne name. If I catch wind of another lie about my family or I, you will be hearing from my lawyers." Lila stops crying abruptly and for once in her life had a look of genuine panic. Looking one last time at Bruce's harsh glare, she finds it in her best interest to hide behind Ivan for the time being.

Bruce turns his attention back to Marinette and gives her a soft smile. "Sorry about that. What I was going to say was don't worry about the window. We will be replacing all of them anyways. It's about time we make this building more secure."

"O-oh. Well that's great news then." She gives him her signature smile.

"I loved your paper by the way. I can't wait to see what you do with the fashion industry in a few years." He turns to the rest of the class. "I hope you all thanked her for this trip. A part of her winning the full ride Thomas and Martha Wayne Scholarship Foundation was also this trip for your class after all."

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