Chapter 102: The Surprise and Training with Jason

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Jason didn't hesitate to stealthily take his phone out to start recording as the bluenette grabbed the last remaining gift out of her bag.

"Where did you even find the time to make something for her?" Dick asked as he watched Marinette gently hand the tissue wrapped present over to his girlfriend.

"I may have had some help." She smiled at him before turning her attention back to Kori. "Why don't you go ahead and open it?"

"I will. Thank you very much, Marinette." She gave the bluenette a knowing grin before slowly tearing the paper away.

Those who knew what was going on seemed to turn their attention more towards Dick and possibly even Bruce as everyone else just watched the alien as she opened the gift.

The moment Kori pulled the tiny yellow bib out of the paper and held it up for everyone to see, Dicks first reaction was to slide out of the couch he was sitting on to fall onto his knees to look at her. The realization was instantaneous as small and happy tears began to form in his eyes.

"You're pregnant?" Dick whispered up at her with the most loving smile anyone has ever seen on his face.

Bruce immediately stood straight up on his feet to look down at both of them in shock while Selina just began to smile widely at the couple. Tim on the other hand looked as though he was mentally combusting.

"Yes." Kori nodded in excitement.

"No way!" Barbara began to clap from where she was sitting.

"Surprise!" Kori said as she held the bib right in front of Dick's face.

Dick gently took the bib from her to look at for a moment before wrapping his girlfriend in a large hug. "I can't believe it!" He sobbed happily into the woman's neck.

"Kori's pregnant?" Damian looked over to Marinette with confusion.

"She sure is." Gar began to laugh from where he was in the corner. "Look at Bruce's face!"

Bruce just blinked a few times before looking around at everyone. "This is quite a surprise." He finally smiled. "Congratulations, son." He looked down at his eldest.

"I can't believe this is happening." Dick finally let go of Kori to sit back down on the couch next to her. "Look at how tiny this is." He held up the bib again for everyone to see.

"Congratulations you two." Raven spoke up with a small smile.

"Yeah." Marinette began to clap. "Congrats!"

Everyone quickly joined in on the celebration as they all took their turns to congratulate them.

"I'm going to be an uncle." Tim spoke up after a while.

"Yep." Marinette nodded. "And Bruce is going to be a Grandpa."

"How do you feel, Gramps?" Jason asked as he turned his phone (which he never stopped recording on) towards the billionaire.

"I'm not going to be called 'Gramps'." Bruce said in a stern tone before smiling. "But I am happy for them."

"Thank you again, Marinette." Kori stood up to give her a hug. "This turned out much better than I could have hoped for."

"Yeah it did." The bluenette agreed. "We really caught them all by surprise." Marinette turned to her boyfriend. "I just wish you could have seen Alfred's reaction when he first found out."

"I was rather excited." The butler smiled.

"This was not how I saw this day doing." Damian gave his girlfriend a soft grin. "I'm not sure that this house has ever see so much joy."

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