Chapter 111: Vee

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"I'll pick you up at the old antique shop after school then?" Damian asked as he was getting into his car shortly after breakfast.

"Yep." Marinette smiled brightly at him. "Don't forget about me."

"I would never." He reached out of the window to give her a brief kiss. "See you soon, Angel."

"Bye, Damian. Love you."

"Love you too."

"Well then." Alfred spoke up from behind Marinette shortly after Damian was gone. "When shall we be leaving so you can meet up with your class?"

"Chloe just said that the class will be getting on the bus in about five minutes so whenever you think is best."

"We should be leaving now then." Alfred gestured for her to follow. "Let us be off."
"Wow. Showing up in style, huh?" Alya said as Marinette exited the limo.

"I would have ridden here with Jason but then he might have been inclined to stay with me." The bluenette joked. "This is a girl's day after all." She turned around to wave at Alfred as he left. "Where are the boys anyways?" She asked when she turned back to her friends.

"They went to the arcade across the street." Alix pointed towards the arcade. "My guess is that they will be there until lunch time.

"And they will be joining us for lunch too." Rose spoke up. "That's our meeting point so Madame Mendeleiev can do a head count. She's not letting us run free completely."

"That makes sense." Marinette nodded. "So, what do you gals want to do first?"

"I want to go in there." Juleka pointed to a shop whose windows were filled to the brim with crystals and herbs and cauldrons of all shapes and sizes.

"Oh, cool!" Alix smiled at the shop window. "Are we going to practice witchcraft?"

"That's just ridiculous." Chloe shook her head but followed the girls inside anyways.

"Welcome, ladies." A woman at the counter spoke up. She had long platinum blonde hair that went just past her waist and piercing grey/blue eyes that seemed to look directly into your soul. Other than that, her clothes were very nondescript. Black jeans, black boots and a black t-shirt. "What can I help you with today?"

"We are just looking around." Marinette smiled brightly at the woman.

The woman's eyes went wide when she looked at Marinette but only for a fraction of a second. Marinette wasn't sure if she had just imagined it or not.

"I'm doing a free fortune reading with the purchase of any crystal if you are interested." She pointed to the back of the room where there was a wall of crystals of all shapes, colors and sizes. "I have a pamphlet here of what each crystal is and what it does if you are interested." She picks up a pamphlet off the stack on the counter.

"Awesome." Juleka smiled as she takes the pamphlet from the woman.

"If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask." Her eyes dance around the room to every face before they land back onto Marinette. "I'm Violet by they way but you can just call me Vee."

"Thanks." Alya says as she begins to look around the shop.

"What even is all this stuff?" Chloe ask as she eyes the candles lit all around the room.

"I don't know but the crystals are SOOO pretty!" Rose speaks up. "I wonder what the pink ones mean?"

"That's Rose Quartz." The Vee spoke up, clearly haring the question. "It promotes unconditional love, forgiveness, infinite peace and compassion."

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