Chapter 50: The Morning After

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Damian awoke to a soft knock at the door.

"Breakfast will be ready in 15." Alfred spoke through the door.

"Thank you, Alfred." Damian spoke up with a smile as he looked around the room at all the clothes flung onto the floor. He had to admit that he had never felt so well rested before in his life. "I'll get her up." His gaze then dropped to his girlfriend peacefully sleeping next to him.

Damian couldn't see it but on the other side of the door Alfred had a very surprised look on his face. He never sounds this happy in the morning and the butler could only guess what had changed. "Don't take too long." He smiled at the door before walking off.

Damian stared at his girlfriend for a moment longer before begrudgingly waking her up. "Angel." He shook her shoulder. "You have to get up."

"I don't wanna." She yanked the blanket over her head.

Damian got out of bed to go collect his clothes that were on the floor and put them on. "I will drag you out of bed if I have to."

"No, you won't." She mumbled from under the blankets.

"Oh really?" He walked back over to the bed and grabbed one of her ankles. "I won't hesitate." Damian began to slowly pull on her leg.

"Fine!" She sat up in bed but kept her blanket covering her. "I'm up."

"Are you really?" He began to pull on her leg even more. "You still look like you are in bed to me."

"I'm up! I'm up!" She playfully yelled at him. "Go get dressed. I'll meet you in the hallway."

"Okay, Angel." He kissed her on the cheek before walking out the door.

Marinette slowly got out of bed and walked over to her suitcase to search for her clothes. She went to the bathroom to get dressed but gasped at the state of her hair in the mirror. Even after brushing through it when doing the rest of her morning routine, it still looked like a bird's nest. 'Messy bun it is then' she said to herself. She wore a simple pink knee length dress with black leggings underneath and black boots to match. She also wore a cropped black leather jacket to keep her warm. 'Keeping it simple today.' She thought.

She grabbed her purse and looked around for her kwami's. After a moment she found them under a blanket that was thrown onto the loveseat in her room.

"Ready to go, guys?" She asked.

Plagg looked like he was about to say something but both Tikki and Kaalki smacked him in the back of the head before they all nodded. "We're ready." The three dived into her purse as she left.

Closing the door behind her, she turned around to see Damian waiting for her with a loving smile on his face. "Still as beautiful as ever, Angel." He grabbed her hand as they walked to the dining room.

"Thanks." She blushed with a bashful smile. "The hair took some work."

"I'm sure it did." He playfully laughed.

The dining room was bustling with chatter as they walked in but it all very quickly died down when everyone caught sight of them.

"What?" Marinette looked behind her to check if there was something there, but found nothing.

"Come have a seat you two." Jason gave them a strange knowing smirk. "I'm sure you guys are very hungry."

"Okay?" Marinette looked a little confused but went to sit down anyways.

"So, how was your night last night?" Dick wiggled his eyebrows at his youngest brother.

"Why do you care, Grayson?" Damian glared back at him as he caught on to what was happening.

"Oh, you know... I just wanted to know if you had a fun night." Dick smiled at him.

Marinette looked around at everyone's faces and seems to have caught on herself. "Please no." Her blush begins to come back. "I just want to eat breakfast."

"Leave them alone." Bruce intervenes.

"Pay up again, Tim." Jason grinned as he held his hand out.

"What did I say about placing bets?" The billionaire says sternly to his sons.

"This was one of those on-going ones." Tim handed over some money to Jason. "We technically haven't placed anymore."

"Dick is actually slowly becoming my favorite now." Marinette spoke while she piled some food onto her plate.

"I'm hurt, Pixie-pop. I thought you weren't choosing favorites." Jason feigned hurt as he stuffed the money in his wallet.

Marinette deadpanned at him before continuing to eat.
"Won't they still recognize this car if we pull out with it?"

"Yes." Damian responded. "But they can't see us while we are inside." He opened the door for her to get in before he went around to get into the driver's side.

The paparazzi were still at the front gates but they didn't seem to take any pictures of them seeing as they couldn't be seen.

The two stayed in comfortable silence, hand in hand as Damian drove them to school. When the two got out of the car and made their way to the front steps, Marinette was immediately bombarded by Chloe.

"Oh my God, Marinette." She snatched the girl away from all of the others but Damian began to follow them anyways. "It totally happened didn't it?" She whispered in her ear.

"Why does everyone know this?" The bluenette's face went red once again. "Is it written on my forehead or something?"

Damian stepped up beside her. "What's going on?"

"You're glowing, Marinette. You look happy. It's not that hard to figure out." Chloe started to jump excitedly.

"Please don't shout it to the world." Marinette hid her face behind her hands. "We already have paparazzi to deal with."

"I'll only tell Alix about it.... and maybe Adrien." The blonde smiled at her best friend.

"No, you aren't." Damian grabbed his girlfriend's hand.

"Fine." Chloe said. "You two are no fun. Although, I think some of the others might be smart enough to figure it out."

"We should have stayed home." Marinette spoke to her boyfriend as she walked back to the rest of her class.

"And do what exactly?" Chloe joked as she followed them back.

Before they could answer, Marinette's teacher called her class to attention to head to their classroom.

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