Chapter 35: Video Games and Refinement

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"How about some video games?" Adrien asked after they ended their call with Marinette's parents.

"That sounds fun." Dick walked over to the giant flat screen in the living room and opened up a cabinet filled all kinds of games. "What do you want to play?"

"Ultimate Mecha Strike" Adrien, Max and Marinette all said at the same time.

"Okay." Dick nodded. "UMS4 it is then. Teams?"

"Absolutely." Max grinned. "Who's playing first?"

"Tim and I will be on the first team." Dick put the disk into the console.

"You and Adrien can go first." Marinette says to Max.

"You just started a loosing battle, my friends." Alix looked at both Dick and Tim as she got comfortable on the couch.

"I don't know. Timmy here is a beast when it comes to any game ever." Jason watched as the game started up.

"May the best team win." Adrien and Max shook the other team's hand.

Everyone watched them play and it was clear to anyone there that Tim was carrying his team. It might have even been a close match if it wasn't for Dick slowing him down.

"Wow." Dick looked over at the two. "You two really know how to play."

"We didn't even show you our best player." Adrien smirked at Marinette.

"Max, why don't you switch teams so you can give Tim a chance." Kim said excitedly. "I want to see a serious match."

"Only if Dick is willing to give up his spot." Max set down the controller.

"I'm good with that." Dick hands over his controller. "I want to see what Cupcakes got."

"Alright, bugaboo, it's your time to shine." Adrien grins.

"Sorry, Max." Marinette looks sadly at her friend.

"I've been practicing. You might not win this time." Max looked determined as he picked his character.

"Don't hold back." She smiled.

Even Bruce and Alfred were impressed at the skill they all were showing. A single round lasted until the timer went out and the team with the most health points won. The game lasted the full three rounds and Marinette and Adrien won by only a hair.

"Pound it!" The bluenette and the blonde bumped fists. "Good game you guys!" Marinette smiled brightly at everyone. "I seriously think if you two were used to each other's fighting styles that you might have beaten us."

"Yeah, that was fun." Tim nodded. "I don't think I've ever been so challenged by this game before."

"Hey, anytime you want a challenge you know where to find me." Mari giggled.

"Where did you learn to play this, Angel?" Damian smiled at his girlfriend.

"Believe it or not, it's Papa who taught me but now I can beat him with my eyes closed."

"She definitely gets her competitive side from Tom." Adrien informed.

"And her fighting side from Sabine." Chloe added.

"Yeah, Sabine can scare me sometimes." Kim admitted.

"So, who wants to play next?" Marinette lightly shook her controller.
"Wow, this food was really good." Alix said while they were all sat down to eat dinner.

"I know, right? Alfred made it." Marinette points to the butler.

"Well thank you, Alfred." She smiled to the man.

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