Chapter 44: Toying with Boy Wonder

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Everyone watched as Marinette practically toyed with Damian during their spar. Damian would go in for a strike and she would easily side step him and boop him on the nose with a wink.

"Come on, babe. I know you can do better than that." She held her hands behind her back and gently swayed her hips in a non-threatening way.

Nobody in that room has ever seen that boy flounder so hard at anything in his life. She playfully skipped around him and even lightly hit him on the head with her yoyo as he tried to recover his stance.

Rubbing his head, he finally looked over at her with the most determined face he could muster up. He ran full speed at her and went to strike her in the ribs. Holding her yoyo at both ends, she straitened the sting out and blocked the sword at the last second.

"Now you're getting it." She kicked his hand away that held his weapon.

Resetting his stance again, he ran at her with his sword out and aimed straight for the head. Ducking under his sword, she slid down to her knees and flung her yoyo around his legs. Making sure the yoyo was secure, she yanked it tight which send him to the floor face first. She straddled his back and pinned his wrist to the floor but she wasn't strong enough to keep him there. He managed to get back on top but thankfully for Marinette, his legs were still tied together.

"If you wanted to be on top, all you had to do was ask." She whispered so only he could hear and she winked up at him.

"What?!" He yelled and tried to stand up to get off of her but he seemed to have forgotten that his legs were tied so he just ended up flopping onto his back.

She pulled the sword out of his hand very easily. Something about this situation prevented him from keeping a tight hold onto his weapon, or anything else for that matter.

"Looks like I win, Boy Wonder." Marinette spoke as she put his sword to his neck.

His family watched the whole ordeal in amazement and confusion. They didn't know exactly what she said to him to throw him so off balance but they all found it very amusing to witness.

She lightly kissed him on the mouth before hopping off of him and setting his sword down on the floor beside him. "You can get up now." She smiled down at his beet red face.

It took him a moment to collect his thoughts before he tried to stand up again, only to realize his feet were still tied together. Freeing himself, he picks up his sword and hands the yoyo back to Marinette.

"Well?" The bluenette looked at him. "Are you going to say something?"

Damian just nodded and walked over to a bench to sit down.

"What did you say to him that broke him this badly?" Jason was snickering at his brother who seemed to be staring off into space.

"Yeah." Tim nodded. "He's totally out of it."

"Well all I said was..." Marinette began.

"No!" Damian abruptly stood up and walked right in front of his girlfriend. "Don't say it."

"Don't say what?" The bluenette looked at him innocently.

"You know exactly what I mean." He crossed his arms.

"What?" Marinette gave him a wide grin. "All I said was that if you ~humph~" Damian quickly covered her mouth before she said any more.

"Oh, now I'm really curious." Dick smiled at his younger brother who seemed to be turning red again. "Let her talk."

"Not until she promises to not repeat what she just said." Damian looked down at her and all she did was smile back at him from behind his hand. Slowly he took his hand back.

"Let me just clarify." She smirked at him. "Do you not want me to say that EVER again or just repeating it to your family?"

"Angel..." He dragged his hand down his face. "You are driving me crazy."

"Then my plan is working." She pokes him in the ribs lightly before turning her attention back to Bruce. "Who's next?"

Marinette spent the remainder of her training sparing with Dick, who was very quick with his Escrima sticks (and she probably ended up with a few bruises because of that) and also with Jason, who seemed to be really good with all sorts of throwing weapons. They both put up a good fight but Dick ultimately won again and Jason ended up running out of weapons and had to finish the fight bare fisted and lost, but only barely.

She considered today a win in her book though because she ended up taking down three of the four brothers.

"One day I will beat you, Dick." She joked with him as she hung up her yoyo on the new spot on the wall.

"I'll be counting on it, Cupcake." He ruffled her hair as he walked by.

"Good job today, Marinette." Bruce praised. "Next time it will be just you and me. Start thinking of ways to improve." He turned to the rest of his boys. "Everyone shower up and get some rest. Damian, I would like to talk to you alone for a moment."

The bluenette waved to her boyfriend as she followed everyone else out of the gym.

Damian watched her leave before turning to look at his father. "Yes, father?"

"It seems like you weren't at your best today, Damian." He raised a brow at his son. "What had you so distracted?"

"Um, well..." He looked nervously at his feet.

"She's very smart and has seemed to take my advice very seriously." Bruce grins at the boy and he snaps his head up to look at him.

"You told her to say that?" He looked a little appalled.

"No, son." He chuckled softly as he shook his head. "I have no idea what she actually said to you. But I did tell her about the one strength she has over you and she took that and ran with it."

"I see." Damian nodded.

"You be safe with her, okay?" Bruce hands him something and walks away. "I don't want any grandkids from you just yet." He speaks over his shoulder as he turns the corner.

Damian was a little confused for a second before he looked down at what he was holding. He quickly stuffed it in his pocket and looked around in case anyone saw him. Finding himself alone, he took a deep breath to try to control his heart rate and to stop the blush that was creeping up his neck.

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