Chapter 77: Split Vision

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Ladybird seemed to feel his confusion before he even said anything. "What do you mean 'what'?"

"I have cat ears?" He reached up to feel for them at the top of his head.

"Do these come standard when it comes to this miraculous?" Marinette heard his thoughts inside her own head.

Damian felt her excited surprise before she even spoke. "I can hear your thoughts and feel your emotion! Tikki was right."

"So, we can have a conversation without ever actually speaking to each other?" Damian thought.

"Yes?" She thought to herself.

"Her excitement is contagious." He smiled brightly at the pure joy he was feeling from her.

"Is that a good thing?" She asked out loud.

"Of course it is." He smiled. "Like anything bad could ever come from my Angel?"

Ladybird went red from the unspoken complement and Damian felt the heart stuttering joy she felt from his thoughts. He ended up reaching for his own heart to try to calm himself down along with her.

"No fair! You can't just say something to me like that out of nowhere."

"I didn't technically say it out loud." He grinned at her with a shrug.

"Why is he smiling at me like that? He's so cute, it's not fair." She thought in French as she gave him a soft smile of her own.

Damian tried to hide his own joy at being called cute but he could see Ladybird's knowing grin.

"You know what?" Robin grinned. "You are calling me cute but you should see yourself. Absolutely adorable." He felt her heart skip a beat when he said this.

"Oh, he's asking for it." She took a step closer to him. "I don't think you see what I see."

"And I don't think you see what I see."

The two stared at each other for a long moment as they gauged each other's thoughts when all of a sudden, their vision split in two; one side showing Marinette's while the other showed Damian's.

Clear confusion could be felt from both people as they tried to adjust to this new split vision.

"I can see both of us." Ladybird watched herself talk along with also seeing Robin's own confused face. "How did we do this?"

Damian closed his eyes only to have one half of his vision to go dark while the other half was looking at him with his eyes closed. "Bizarre." He thought as he opened his eyes back up.

"Bizarre is right." Ladybird laughed. "Although this could be useful in certain situations. If I could get used to it."

"Long distance and in tactical situations of course." Robin nodded while Marinette followed along with all the plans forming in his head, even adding in her own thoughts. "We should tell my father bout this." Was the fist thing he said out loud in over two minutes of silent thoughts between the two.

"Awe, but this would be one of the best pranking opportunities." She pouted, mostly to herself.

"You want to prank them? Don't they already know about the reading each other's thoughts and feeling each other's emotions?"

"Well yeah, but there is still so much we can do with this. We don't need to tell them about the split vision right away." Damian listened to all of her fun ideas and began to smile and nod along with her.

"Okay." Damian reached down to pick up the picnic basket. "If we stick to the side streets and move fast enough on the bike, no one will notice the costume change. Especially if I keep my hood down." He pulled his hood off his head.

Ladybird frowned at the lack of cat ears but loved seeing his messy hair that was underneath. "Okay, Robin. Let's go 'prank' your family."

Robin nodded and walked to the edge of the roof with her and reached for his grappling hook only to find it not there anymore.

Ladybird pulled the staff from off of his lower back and handed it to him. "Just press the button to extend it. It'll reach all the way to the ground."

"It has no limit?"

"Not one that I have found." She pulled out her yoyo to hook on a gargoyle on the next building over. "Don't worry. I'll catch you if you fall."

"Thank you, but I got this." He pressed the button and the staff automatically extended straight for the ground.

Damian watched in his split vision as Ladybird jumped off the building and land gracefully at the bottom with the help of her yoyo. He found it almost disorientating as he leaped off the building and retract the staff to not only see his own movements from his own point of view, but to also see himself make his way down through Marinette's point of view.

"Do you think there is a way to turn this split vision on and off?" He asked as he strapped the picnic basket onto his bike.

"I don't know. Maybe if we concentrate together?"

"Let's try that for a moment before I drive us back."

The two of them stared in concentration as they each tried to focus on their own vision. They were both surprised when their vision went back to normal after only 30 seconds of trying.

"That was easier than I thought it would be." Marinette thought in French.

"I agree." Robin grinned as he got onto the bike. "You ready to go?"

"Do you even have to ask?" She giggled as she climbed onto the motorcycle after him.

Robin drove at high speed down the empty side streets so he could avoid any onlookers as he made his way back to the cave in record time. The whole ride he couldn't help but to feel Ladybirds elation at their closeness as she held on tight to him.

Entering the cave, they were greeted by all of Damian's brothers.

"Great... What do they want now?" Damian rolled his eyes as he hopped off the bike.

"Only to bother us about our date obviously." Marinette answered his thoughts with her own.

"Wow, little D." Dick greeted his younger brother. "Nice outfit. Were you inspired by Robin?"

"But you haven't even seen the best part yet!" Marinette got off the bike and swiftly put his hood up. "Ta-da! He's a kitty."

"Oh, Selina is going to love this." Tim smirked.

"We should get the others! They have to see this." Jason walked over to Damian to touch his ears.

Marinette could feel Damian's irritation and she honestly couldn't help but to laugh at it all. "I'm sorry, Dami. You just look like a pouting kitten."

Damian gave her the side eye before finally cracking a smile at her. "I guess we should start this 'prank' you want to do so badly."

"You read my mind."

The two concentrated for a moment as Damian's brothers fussed over his new outfit and soon enough, they were able to bring back their split vision again.

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