Chapter 90: Fast Learner and a Calm Breakfast

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"Oh my God! I hit the bullseye!" Marinette began to hop up and down with excitement. "Did you see that, Damian?"

"I did, Angel. And on your sixth try. Quite impressive." He couldn't help bit to mirror her excitement.

"These were recording right?" She points to one of the cameras. "You think Bruce will see?"

"I'm sure my father will." He nods. "Think you can do it again?"

"Only one way to find out, right?"

To no one's surprise, Marinette hit the bullseye from here on out. After a half an hour of switching up targets from stationary to moving, they both eventually decided to call it quits.

"You always surprise me on how quickly you learn things, Angel." Damian opened up the hidden door to let them back out into the training room.

"I'm still not that great at science though and many people have tried to teach me. So, don't go and tell everyone that I'm great at everything, you hear?" She chuckled.

"Will do, Angel. I'll just tell everyone you are bad at science instead." He smirked at her before putting the sword back up on the wall.

"Don't do that! People will think I'm stupid or something."

"Is someone calling you stupid?" Jason snuck up behind her to ask.

"Uh, no. I hope not." Marinette turned around to look at him, not even fazed by his sudden appearance anymore. "Is everyone done?"

"Yeah. Kori wasn't feeling too well so she ended it a bit early though so Bruce, Tim, Dick, Selina and I are just now calling it quits. I was just about to come and get you two but you guys beat me to it."

"Is something wrong with Kori?" Marinette asked with concern.

"Something about a stomach ache? She said she was fine though and to not worry. That woman is so cheerful though, that she didn't even look that upset about it."

"Oh, well that's good. I hope she feels better soon."

"Oh, Marinette." Bruce walked up to the bluenette. "I wanted to give you a heads up. Kori wanted to tell you herself but she needed to go get some rest so she asked me to tell you since you will be here tomorrow. Kori invited over Raven and Beast Boy for a few days and they will be here around lunch time tomorrow. She wants to introduce you to them."

"I'm going to meet more of the Titans? How exciting!" She smiled up at the billionaire.

"Glad you think so." Bruce smiled back. "Well I think it's about time we all took some showers and went to bed. Some of us have work in school in the morning."

"But not us, right?" Jason wrapped his arm around Marinette's shoulders. "I get to hang out with my favorite sister."

"I'll be working on my dress all day until our guest get here though. Hope you won't be too bored with that." Everyone began to walk to the exit.
"How come we always sleep in my room now?" Marinette asked when she stepped out of her bathroom to see Damian laying in her bed as usual.

"Well we could go to my room but I usually let Titus in the bed with me so it might be a little cramped." He shrugged.

"You're right." Marinette giggled as she climbed in bed with Damian. "That dog is bigger than I am."

"It's not his fault you are so small." Damian pulled her tiny frame closer to him.

"Well it's also not my fault either. I was just born this way." The bluenette softly rested her head on his chest.

"School tomorrow is going to be weird without you."

"I know. Do you think your classmates will say something to you?" She looked up at him.

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