Chapter 84: Swimsuit

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"Hey, Alfred?" Marinette began to help the butler as he started to clean off the dining room table. "I was wondering if I could borrow the kitchen in a few hours. I want to make a little lunch for Damian and I today. I'll make enough for everybody too but Damian and I sort of wanted our own little date out in the rose gardens."

"Of course you can, Miss Marinette." The two began to take the dirty dishes to the kitchen. "You mind if I ask what you are planning to make?"

"Nothing too fancy." She set the dishes down and turned to look at him. "Just some of my favorite dishes that my parents make me sometimes. Spinach Souffle and Flamiche. We are big fans of baked foods. I wouldn't mind some help if you want me to teach you the receipt."

"I just might take you up on that offer. We should have all the ingredient here in the kitchen but I would just check to be sure. I'll pick up anything you may need."
"I take it Alfred said yes?" Damian asked as soon as Marinette stepped out of the kitchen.

"Yep." She grabbed his hand. "Where did everyone go?"

"I'm pretty sure Grayson and Kori went to his room. My father and Selina are going out on a 'morning stroll'. Her words, not mine. And Todd and Drake are doing target practice down in the cave."

"So, we have the morning to ourselves with no one to bother us?"

"Nope." Plagg floated up to their faces. "We are still here."

"Really, Plagg?" Kaalki rolled her eyes at him.

"Don't worry guys." Tikki smiled at the young couple. "We'll keep Plagg occupied."

"Hey! You make it sound like I'm a child."

"That's because you act like one half the time." Kaalki huffed as she and Tikki dragged him off.

"Now I think no one will bother us." Damian smiled down at his girlfriend. "What do you want to do?"

"Well yesterday was a bit crazy and hectic. I think we should do something relaxing today before I make lunch in a few hours."

"Relaxing, huh?" Damian thought about that for a moment. "How about the pool?"

"You meant that giant pool out back by the gardens? Isn't it a bit cold out for that?"

"No. The pool is heated."

"But I don't have a swimsuit."

"You're right..." Damian looks at Marinette for a moment before quickly pulling out his phone to make a call. "Barbara. Do you still have your swimsuit here? Yes... Marinette and I were thinking about going swimming... Top drawer? No, I'll let her do that. I have no interest in snooping through your things... Thank you, Barbara. Bye." After hanging up, he then turned his attention back to Marinette. "Good news. Barbara is letting you borrow hers."

"Oh, I forgot Barbara has a room here." Marinette began to follow Damian to her room.

"She doesn't want me snooping through her things so she said its in the top drawer on the left side."

"Does she swim a lot?"

"Not ever since her accident. She does sit by the pool every so often though."

"What happened to her? No one has ever told me."

"The Joker happened. He shot her in the spine."

"She was Batgirl, right? Did this happen while she was trying to save the city?"

"No." Damian stopped in front of Barbara's room. "Joker targeted her because her father is the police commissioner. She was at home reading a book when all this happened to her. She had no idea that it was the Joker knocking on her door that day."

"That's terrible." Marinette frowned.

"That's the Joker for you. Not even the league would take that psychopath in. He's an unstable maniac."

"Let's not talk about him for now." Marinette opened the door. "He always puts he in a sour mood."

"That's the kind of mood you should be in when it comes to him. I'd be worried if you didn't feel that way." Damian watched from the doorway as she walked over to the dresser on the other side of the room.

"I guess you're right." Marinette giggled as she opened up the drawer. "What should I be looking for?" She called over her shoulder.

"It's a two piece. Black with yellow polka dots."

"Found it." She pulled it out and shut the drawer. "It's a string bikini so I think it will fit." Marinette walked out of the room and shut the door.

"Go get changed. I'd put something over it because the walk to the pool will be a bit cold."

"I will. That pool better be warm or else I'm coming straight back inside." Marinette warned.

"I promise it is." The two walked to each of their bedroom doors. "I'll meet you back in the hallway."
Damian was the first one to get into the pool and he was very much aware of Marinette watching him as he took off his shirt before getting in.

"It's warm, Angel. You don't have to worry." He smiled up at her from inside the pool where he easily floated on his back in relaxation.

"I know. But now I'm just worried about getting out." Marinette set her towel down next to his. "Do you know how cold we are going to be?"

"I'm sure I can warm you up." He smirked at her as he stood back up in the pool.

Marinette stared at him for a moment before taking a deep breath. "Fine."

Damian tried his hardest to not completely stare as she took her top and bottom off to reveal the string bikini underneath. His eyes never left her figure as she slowly made her way into the pool.

"Wow. You were right. It is pretty warm in here." She finally looked up to see Damian staring at her and her face quickly went red. "What?"

"Nothing." Damian shook his head. "Just got distracted is all."

"Careful." Marinette smirked as she touched her lip which was almost completely healed by now. "You might hurt yourself."

"Ha ha, very funny." Damian lazily swam over to the pools steps where Marinette was still at. "The only thing that can hurt me here is you." He rested his hands on her hips.

"Nah, I'm not going to hurt you." Marinette snaked her hands up Damian's chest before linking them behind his neck. "We are here to relax, remember?"

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