Chapter 16: Discussing an Opportunity

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"Hey, guys!" Marinette waves at her phone to her friends on the other side. "How is the class handling without me?"

"Surprisingly, they are all mad that you aren't here." Alix speaks first. "I think they are all pissed that you are getting all this attention. Plus, Lila is spreading ridiculous rumors about where you are at right now."

"Let them be angry." Chloe rolls her eyes. "Marinette, you deserve this time away from these toxic people."

"Maybe." Marinette takes a deep breath. "I just feel so bad leaving you all there with them."

"Don't worry about us." Adrien smiles at her. "We have actually been having a lot of fun letting our imaginations go wild with what you are doing in a multi-million-dollar mansion."

"Yeah!" Kim nods excitedly. "Do they have solid gold toilets? Or tiger skin rugs?"

She giggles at her friends before answering. "No. Not that I know of. But they do have a beautiful rose garden."

"Sounds romantic." Adrien wiggles his eyebrows at the bluenette. "Did Damian take you there?"

"Kinda..." She blushes.

"OMG." Chloe yanks the phone from her friends and you can faintly here Max yell "Hey! That's my phone." from the other side.

"When is the wedding? Please tell me I'm the maid of honor." The blonde says excitedly.

"Chloe." Marinette wines. "We haven't even gone on our first date yet."

"Yet?" She smiles brightly at the girl as Alix pops into frame. "Does that mean you are going on a date?"

"Yes." The small girl gives her friends an awkward smile.

"Wow." Alix looks off screen. "Did you hear that you guys? Our clumsy class president actually landed herself a date with THE Damian Wayne!"

"Way to go, Princess!" She hears Adrien say off screen.

"When's the date?" Chloe asks.

"Tomorrow." She grins to herself. "He's picking me up after the tour of the Wayne botanical gardens. And before you ask, no I don't know where he is taking me."

"Very mysterious." Max gets his phone back from Chloe. "We have to get going. Our teacher will be going around to check on all of us door to door. Sorry to cut this short."

"It's no big deal. I have to call my parents anyways." She waves to her friends. "See you all in the morning."

They all say their goodnights and then the call ends. Sighing, she calls her parents as she walks out the door. She is halfway to the kitchen before they answer.

"Hey, sweetie." Her father says first.

"Hello, Papa. I was just checking in as promised."

"Is that Marinette?" she hears her mother's muffled voice.

"Yes. She's calling to check in."

After a moment of shuffling from the other side, her mother says. "So, how are you liking staying with Mr. Wayne?"

Just now making it to the kitchen, she looks around to see Tim making a pot of coffee and she waves to him. "It's great, Maman. Everyone has been so nice."

"That's great to hear." Her father booms through the phone. "What are you up to right now?"

Marinette looks around the large kitchen for all the ingredients she needs. "Just getting ready for bed. I still have another tour tomorrow."

"Well we will let you get to it then." Sabine says. "Goodnight honey. Have a good day tomorrow."

"I will. Love you, Maman. Love you, Papa."

"Love you." Both her parents sing at the same time.

"Bye." She smiles as she hangs up.

"Was that your parents?" Tim asked.

"Yep. Do you know where I can find any baking sheets?" Marinette questions while pulling out the bag of flour she found.

"Right over here, Angel." Damian pulls a baking sheet out for her. "What are you going to make?"

Marinette jumps at his sudden appearance. "You scared me." She smiles at him. "What is up with you and your family always sneaking around."

"It's trained into us, Pixie-pop." Jason laughs when Marinette jumps again. "You'll learn to hear us coming eventually, don't worry."

"I hope so." She smiles at the three boys. "Any of you want to help me make some cookies? They are Tikki's favorite."

"I'm not sure that's the best idea." Dick pokes his head into the kitchen. "Alfred kicked us out the last time we tried to make food in here."

Marinette gives Dick a sly grin. "Well Alfred isn't here, now is he? Besides, how bad can you all really be if I'm here to help?"

"Famous last words, little lady." Dick smiles at her as he rolls up his sleeves.
"Do you really want to drag her into this?" Barbara stops typing on the bat computer to turn to Bruce.

"I'm not dragging her into anything." He shakes his head. "All I'm doing is giving her an opportunity. If she says no, then that's fine but seeing as she is so young, I feel like it's a good opportunity to take. She is the guardian of these miraculous and she needs to be sharp if she wants to really protect them. Training with us and protecting this city would be a good thing for her."

"I believe Master Bruce is correct." Alfred spoke up. "With her winning the Thomas and Martha Wayne scholarship, she has agreed to go to Gotham University with a full ride. She will be in the city for at least 4 years anyways."

"Are you okay with this, Selina?" Barbara looks to catwoman.

"I understand you don't want what happened to you to happen to her but in the end, it's up to her." She pats the red heads shoulder. "Plus, her father isn't the police commissioner. You know it wasn't Batgirl who was targeted, it was Barbara Gordon."

Barbara takes a deep breath. "You're right. It's just that this city is so dark and she's so nice. I don't want this city to change her."

"I think you underestimate her." Tikki phases through the wall with Plagg in tow.

"What do you mean?" Bruce turns to the kwami's.

"What sugar cube here is trying to say is that Marinette wont break so easily." Plagg sits on the desk. "You have no idea what she has gone through and what she has seen. If anything, she might just change this city for the better."

"What happened to her?" Selina looks to the kwami.

"That's not for us to share." Tikki speaks up. "It's something she has to be willing to share with you. All I'm saying is that I think it's a great idea for you all to take her in under your wing. She has been lost ever since Master Fu died and she needs some guidance."

"I guess you're right." Barbara smiles at the kwami. "So where is little Miss Sunshine anyways?"

"She's making cookies with the boys in the kitchen."

"All of the boys?" Alfred looks to his family with worry.

"Yeah." Plagg yawns. "Why?"

"We better go check on them." Bruce makes his way to the exit. "Before they burn the whole house down."

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