Chapter 18: A Peaceful Morning

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"Miss Marinette." Alfred knocks on her door to wake her up. "Breakfast will be ready in 5 minutes. I suggest you get up to get ready for your tour today."

"M'up." She mumbles. She then falls out of the bed that was higher up than she thought and she hits the ground with a solid 'thump'.

"Are you okay Miss Marinette?" Alfred asks through her door.

Marinette grabs the edge of the bed to pull herself up as her kwami's laugh at her. "I'm okay." She yells at the door.

Looking around for her suitcase, she finds it at the end of her bed. She pulls out her baby pink long sleeved skater dress she made herself and a pair of shorts to wear underneath. (You can never be too careful) She also pulls out her favorite pair of grey thigh high socks to keep her legs warm in Gotham's cold air and a black pair of short 2-inch heels.

After getting dressed, she brushes her teeth and puts her hair up into a high ponytail with a baby pink ribbon to match her dress. Putting on a few swipes of mascara, she puts the tube into her purse along with her phone and slings it over her shoulder. She tucks in the necklace with the cat ring into her shirt and decides to wear Kaalki's glasses on her face. All her respective kwami's dive into her purse as she gets ready to leave.

Marinette checks herself out in the mirror one last time before walking to her door to meet everyone for breakfast. As she closes her door, she hears another one open behind her. Turning around, she sees Damian leaving his room. "Good morning, Damian."

"Good morning, Angel." He smiles brightly at her. "Would you like me to escort you to breakfast?" He holds his hand out to her.

"I think I know my way." She taps her chin in faux thought. "But the company is so nice that I would love to walk with you either way." Marinette finally grabs his hand.

The two walk in comfortable silence as they make their way to the dining room for breakfast. When they enter, everyone looks at their joined hands happily.

"Good morning, lovebirds." Dick winks at them when Marinette blushes. "You better hurry up and get some food before Jason takes it all."

They all look at Jason who has at least 6 pancakes piled onto his plate. "What?" Jason shrugs. "I'm hungry. Don't judge."

Smiling, Marinette drags Damian to two empty seats to sit down. While they eat, both teens still hold each other's hands under the table. The only ones to actually notice this are Bruce and Alfred, but they decide to keep quiet about it.

"Ah, Miss Marinette. I took it upon myself to pack your kwami's some food while you are out today." Alfred informs.

At this news, Plagg zooms out of his spot in Marinette's purse to look at the butler. "Did you get me the smelliest cheese you could find?"

"Plagg! Don't be rude." Marinette scolded him.

"It is fine, Miss Marinette." He turns back to the kwami. "I got you camembert, just as you asked."

"Alfred, I'm so sorry he bothered you with this. I know he can be a pain."

"It was no bother, Miss Marinette." The butler smiles at the girl. "This is what I am here for. I am happy to help in whatever way I can." He stands up with three small baggies, one containing cheese, another with cookies and the last with sugar cubes and hands them to Marinette.

"Thank you, Alfred." She takes the bags and stuffs them into a side pocket in her purse. "Has anyone ever told you how amazing you are?"

Alfred smiles brightly at the complement. "I may have heard it once or twice."

"Well people should say it more often." She laughs.

"Hey, Sunshine." Jason gets her attention. "Have you ever been on a motorcycle?"

"Yeah." Marinette nods at him. "My friend Luka has one and also my Nona."

"Then are you okay with me taking you to meet up with your class on mine?"

"I don't see why not." She looks down at her dress. "It's a good thing I decided to wear shorts today."

"Cool. Riding around the city on the motorcycle is a lot more fun, trust me." He gives her a playful grin.

"No speeding, Jason." Bruce warned. "Or I will have Alfred drive her."

"I won't go that fast." Jason sneaks a wink at her.

"Well we better get going." Tim looks at his phone. "We don't want to be late."

"Right." They all stand up and make their way to the vehicles that seems to already be waiting out front.

"I will pick you up at 4 in front of the Wayne botanical gardens." Damian turned to face her.

"You better not stand me up." She jokes. "I know where you live, Wayne."

"I would never, Angel." He gently kisses the back of her hand. "Look for this car when I come to pick you up." Damian smiles at her before he gets into a beautiful all black 1961 Jaguar E-Type. "See you later." He starts the car and drives off.

Marinette stands there with her face going red as she watches the car drive off in the distance.

"... Earth to Marinette." The bluenette snaps out of her trance to look at Jason.

"What?" She says breathlessly.

"I said are you ready to go?" He raises an eyebrow at her. "Or do you want to ogle at demon spawn some more?"

"What? Me? Ogle?" She shakes her head too quickly. "I wasn't ogling at anyone."

"Right." Jason deadpans at her as he gets onto his motorcycle. "Are you coming or not?" He holds out a helmet to her.

Marinette takes the helmet from him and puts it on as she gets on the back of the bike.

"Hold on tight." Jason grins as he starts up the motorcycle. Marinette wraps her arms around Jason's waist tightly. "You ready?" She nods against his back. "Here we go." He hits the throttle and speeds down the driveway.

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