"Okay." Bruce came back from his phone calls. "The gardens are all ready. How do you plan on moving it?"
"The same way I move every other plant." Ivy stepped closer to the rose bush. "Only this time I'm going to need a little help from Marigold."
"How am I going to help?" Marinette looked a bit confused.
"I need you to be a sort of conduit between the plant and I. It won't respond to me alone so I will need you to help me guide it. You need to keep your hand on the plant while also keeping your hand on me while I uproot it."
"Is that thing safe to touch?" Tim looked a bit skeptical.
"I believe it is." Ivy answered. "But only for her. I'm afraid that if anyone else tried to touch it, including myself, that it might go back to its dormant state again. I've never seen a plant show so much favoritism."
"Okay." Marinette nodded. "It's now or never I guess."
Marinette sat at the edge of the hole she had dug and hesitantly reached to grab ahold to the base of the flower. Everyone around her held their breath in anticipation as they watched her slow movements. The moment she touched the flower, Marinette's eyes grew wide with amazement when she saw the flowers glow run through the veins under her skin and make their way all over her body.
Everyone stared in bewilderment at the bluenette as they watched the light traveled up her skin before it over took the color in her eyes, turning them to glowing white.
"This is weird. I feel like I can feel what the plant feels." Marinette looked around at everyone and saw that they were all looking at her like she had grown a second head. "What?" She asked.
"Your eyes." Jason pointed.
Marinette looked at him with confusion. "What's wrong with my eyes?"
"Here." Harley pulled out a small compact mirror out of her back pocket. "Let me show you." She handed the mirror over to Marinette's free hand that wasn't touching the rose.
"Okay?" She took the mirror and looked into it.
Marinette blinked at her refection a few times before holding the mirror closer to her face to really examine her eyes.
"Does anything look different to you?" Bruce asked.
"Besides my eyes?" Marinette tore her sight away from the mirror and handed it back to Harley. "Um, no?" She looked around for a moment just to be sure.
"Can you take your hand off the plant for a moment? I want to see something." Ivy said as she closed her eyes in concentration.
"Okay." Marinette let go of the plant and immediately the glow faded from her eyes.
"Bruce." Ivy opened her eyes to look at him. "Do you remember the sentient plant that I made a few years back?"
"The one you keep as a pet and acts like a dog inside your apartment?" Bruce nodded. "Yes, I remember."
"Well it's like that only less mobile and more intelligent." Ivy explained. "The plant used its magical bond with Marinette to see through her eyes. They were sharing a consciousness."
"That's why I felt what the plant was feeling." Marinette looked over at Ivy. "It was curious... but also happy?"
"This is great. Now we can keep a mental lock with it while we are moving it in case it needs anything." Ivy seemed even more eager now.
"We should probably get a move on then." Marinette reached back for the plant and the light ran over her body to settled in her eyes again. "We are ready." She reached over to grab onto Ivy's hand.
Ivy took hold of her hand and closed her eyes in concentration again. Slowly, the magical plant began to arise out of the hole and soon enough the long roots broke free of the ground.
"We should move quickly." Ivy spoke up. "How is it feeling?"
"Confused." Marinette walked along with Ivy as they made their way through the alley and towards the road. "It doesn't like its roots being exposed."
"Can I borrow your keys to the Lamborghini?" Ivy looked over to the group following them. "It's the fastest vehicle here but sadly it's only a two-seater."
"Hand them over, Damian." Bruce ordered.
Damian looked a bit skeptical but tossed the keys towards Ivy anyways.
Ivy unlocked the vehicle but had to crawl onto the driver's seat through the passengers just to keep hold on Marinette. Ivy had the plant awkwardly make its way onto the bluenette's lap and as soon the door was shut, they sped off towards the direction of the Wayne botanical gardens.
"You mind if I take a ride with you guys?" Harley smiled as everyone made their way to the limo Bruce and his family arrived in.
"Of course you can, Harley." Selina took her hand as they ducked inside the limo.
By the time Alfred made it to the Wayne botanical gardens with the limo, the plant had somehow made it back into the ground in the back gardens."Wow, Red. That was fast." Harley commented as she looked at the beautiful rose bush that was now securely planted in the soil.
"The plant didn't like being out of the ground too much." Marinette answered in return. "It's much happier now, especially now that it is surrounded by other plants."
"It's going to need to not be touched by the workers and people here though." Ivy looked at the billionaire. "We may need to build a safe enclosure around it."
"I can get some people on it and have it finished by the end of the day tomorrow. I will inform everyone here." Bruce pulled out his phone and began to make some calls again.
"Thank you, Marinette." Ivy looked down at the small girl. "I think you really did do Gotham a great service today."
"Well she is the Sunshine of Gotham." Jason casually rested his arm on Marinette's shoulder.
"Speaking of sunshine." Dick rested his arm on Marinette's other shoulder. "Do you think the sun is sticking around for a while?"
"I wouldn't count on it but I also wouldn't be surprised if we saw more sunshine around these two." Ivy pointed to both the plant and Marinette.
"You guys, I can't control the weather." The bluenette laughed as she looked up to both Dick and Jason.
"Maybe," Jason agreed. "but you sure do know how to brighten people's days."

She's Sunshine, She's Grace, She'll Punch You in the Face
FanfictionMarinette struggles to stay happy nowadays, but what better way to change your mood than with a change of location? Adrien gave up his miraculous so he could start fresh. After all, his dad was in prison for being the super villain Hawkmoth and his...