Chapter 115: The Kent's

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"Our guest should be here soon." Alfred informed as he gathered up all the dishes after breakfast.

"Why are they showing up so early anyways?" Jason asked. "The Gala doesn't start until 2."

"We have some League things to discuss." Bruce looks over to the bluenette. "Plus, they have seen the headlines about our newest member and are curious. Apparently, Damian is driving Jon insane."

"What do you mean by that?" Marinette looks over to her boyfriend with confusion.

"I've been ignoring Jon's calls and insistent texts." Damian almost looked bored about it all. "I knew that if I answered him that he would only have more questions. He's the kind of person you should explain things to in person or it will just be that much more annoying."

"That's not very nice." Marinette looked at him sternly.

"Sorry, Angel." He gives her a crooked smile. "But I think you will understand once you meet him."

"Jon has a bit of an overbearing personality." Barbara informs. "He's nice and he means well though. He's also a little bit excitable."

"So, he's the opposite of Damian?" Marinette joked.

"That's a good way of looking at it." Tim agreed.

"Yeah." Dick chuckled. "Baby bird here is more of the serious type whereas Jon is much more carefree."

"You mean childish." Damian rolls his eyes.

"Careful. He might be able to hear you." Barbara jokes.

"Good. Maybe he'll grow up."

"Dami!" Marinette scolds.

"I'm sorry, Angel. That was uncalled for." He looks at her apologetically.

"Do you say things like that to his face?" She asks.

"Yes." The rest of the family answers in unison.

"Jon doesn't really care though. He thinks of it as a joke." Dick informs. "Carefree, remember?" He laughs.

Just then, there is a ring at the doorbell.

"Come on." Bruce gestures for everyone to follow. "Let's introduce them to Marinette."

It's a short walk to the frond door and Bruce is the one to open the door for the guests.

"Hello, Clark. Hello, Lois. Hello, Jon." Bruce nods to them all then steps aside and lets the door swing wide. "Come on in."

Marinette was surprised when she recognized them. She had been around Alya enough to know all of the famous journalist out there, and Clark Kent and Lois Lane were among the most popular. Lois was a beautiful woman with striking blue eyes and perfectly styled dark hair that went just past her collar bones. Pictures of Clark on the other hand didn't seem to do him any justice. He was much larger than she though he would be. He's even a few inches taller than Bruce, who was one of the largest men she had ever seen. Clark has slicked back hair and thick rimmed glasses on his strong and angular face. He also carried garment bags, which confused her for a second before remembering that they were all going to the Gala too. And then there was Jon. He had an almost childish look of wonder on his face as he looked at the bluenette. Jon was clearly a few inched taller than Damian but she could tell that Jon was still a few years younger than him, but not by much. He looked a lot like his father only much younger. His face was still a bit babyish in comparison to his fathers but they both had the same dark hair and blue eyes. Jon's smile, however, was a mirror of his mother's beautiful smile.

"Hi, I'm Jon." The tall teen walked up to Marinette and held his hand out for her to shake.

"Hello, Jon." She smiled brightly at his excitement and shakes his hand. "I'm Marinette. It's so nice to meet one of Damian's friends."

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