"Is this your first time in a limo, Pixie-pop?" Jason watches as she stares out the window in wonder.
"No. Some of my friends have one and I've been in my uncle Jagged's a few times, but the view from the window has never been this amazing." She answers while she pulls out her sketch book to start drawing.
"You think Gotham looks good?" Jason looked at her confused. "You live in Paris. I know for a fact that Paris is a better-looking city than Gotham will ever be."
Putting her pen down, she looks over at Jason. "I guess it depends on how you look at it. All I have ever known is Paris and yes the city is beautiful but its like comparing apples to oranges." She points to an old brick apartment building. "You see that? The faded red-brown color of the brick and the rusty steel fire escapes." Both Damian and Jason look out the window and nod. "We have nothing like that in Paris, with the deep colors and the industrial feel. Sure, it may look run down to you, but to me it's inspirational."
The boys watch her for a few minutes as she sketches out her idea and then turns the book to them. On the page is a red-brown jumpsuit with a black belt synched around the waist. Over top of it is a rust colored crop leather jacket with studs and a pair of black combat boots. "See. If you just look at everything at the right angle then you can make something amazing out of it."
"This is amazing, Angel. And to think you only came up with this in about 3 minutes." Damian smiles fondly at the bluenette.
"Thank you, Damian." Marinette blushes while tucking a strand of hair behind her ear to look down at her lap.
Alfred watches fondly at the two teens from his rear-view mirror. "So, Miss Dupain-Cheng" he speaks up. "I think you would be happy to know that we have an old sewing machine at the manor that you are more than welcome to use."
"Please, call me Marinette. I know my last name is quite a mouthful." She smiles at him through the mirror. "And I wouldn't want to use your things like that. I'm just grateful you are letting me stay at all."
"It would be no trouble, Miss Marinette. No one even uses the old machine anyways."
"If you insist." She thinks for a moment. "Maybe I can make you all something as a thank you."
"You don't need to do that, Pixie-pop." Jason pats the girl on the head gently. "You can make whatever you want to."
"Well I want to make something for you all." She swats his arm away playfully.
Damian grabs her hand and Marinette looks over at him with surprise on her face before settling with a grin. "You are too kind, Angel."
They stare at each other for a long moment and were slowly moving closer together before Jason clears his throat loudly, effectively breaking them apart. "Not that I don't love the new and improved Damian, but could you guys kiss each other anywhere other than in front of me. It freaks me out."
Marinette ducks her head down while Damian glares at Jason. "We were not going to kiss, Todd. Mind your own business."
"We are almost here." Alfred speaks up before a fight can escalate. "We are heading through the gate right now."
The young fashion designer quickly shuffles her way to the window to look out. "Wow... You all live here?" She catches sight of the large and vast manor with its many roof peaks and windows. "This place is amazing."
The limo pulls around to the front doors and comes to a stop. Alfred makes his way around the vehicle and opens the car door for them all. Damian is the first to step out and he holds out his hand for Marinette to take.
Stepping out, Marinette takes in the sight around her. The manors grounds seemed to be perfectly manicured, with its green grass and shrubbery shaped like many different animals. The building itself towered above her and she looked at it with awe.

She's Sunshine, She's Grace, She'll Punch You in the Face
FanfictionMarinette struggles to stay happy nowadays, but what better way to change your mood than with a change of location? Adrien gave up his miraculous so he could start fresh. After all, his dad was in prison for being the super villain Hawkmoth and his...