Chapter 85: Pool and Picnic

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Marinette and Damian actually managed to have quite a relaxing time. They spent their morning lazily swimming around the pool and talking about any and everything. Damian learned a bit more about her friends back home and all about how she ended up being chosen for the Ladybug Miraculous. In return, Marinette learned a little bit more about his friend Jon and about the time he spent with the Titans. He even opened up and talked a bit about the time he spent as a child with his mother and grandfather.

Eventually though, they found themselves just hanging onto the side of the pool and talking about the future.

"So, it's settled then." Marinette smiled over at him. "Three kids, two dogs, one cat and a hamster."

"Whatever makes you happy, Angel." Damian chuckled.

"This will obviously be in quite a few years. Could you imagine what our parents would think, though?"

"My father already told me he didn't want any grandchildren from us yet. But I think Alfred would secretly be excited."

"Bruce said that?" Marinette raised an eyebrow at him.

"Yeah. Remember that one time my father wanted to talk to me after training the other day and I told you he just wanted to give me some advice." Damian watched her nod in answer. "Well the advice wasn't about my training if you know what I mean."

"Wow." Marinette raised her eyebrows in surprise. "I wish I would have been there to see that. I just can't picture Bruce doing anything like that."

"I'm glad you weren't there to see it." Damian shook his head. "That would have made it that much more embarrassing."

"You're probably right. What I meant to say was I wish that I could have been a fly on the wall. Then I would have been able to see your embarrassed expressions without being embarrassed myself."

"I see how it is..."

"Oh, come on Damian. I know you would love to see me embarrassed too. Don't act like wouldn't." She playfully splashed him in the face.

"When you're right, you're right." Damian splashed her right back.

"Ah, there you are Miss Marinette." Alfred spoke up from the edge of the pool. "I would suggest you get out and dry off if you still want to make lunch."

"It's almost lunch time?" Marinette looked at the butler and he nodded in confirmation. "Wow. Time really flys." She looked back over to her boyfriend. "You can stay in here if you want. I need to get in there and cook."

"No. I think I'll go inside. I still have something I need to do." Damian began to follow Marinette out of the pool.

"Sounds good to me." Marinette climbed out of the pool into the cold air.

Thankfully, Alfred was already right there with their towels in hand.

"Thanks Alfred." They both said in unison.

"You're welcome. Please do not drip water through out the house. Dry off thoroughly."

"We will." Marinette nodded, shivering slightly.

It took the two a moment before they were dry enough to walk back inside but as soon as they were, Marinette sighed in relief. They wasted no time going to their room and changing into warm and dry clothes. Meeting back up in the hallway, the two kissed for a brief moment before going their sperate ways again.
"Wow, Alfred." Marinette pulled that last of the food out of the oven. "This looks just like how it does when my Papa and I make it at home. You really are a natural cook."

"Thank you, Miss Marinette." Alfred looked down at the food they had made. "I'm actually quite excited to try something new. This looks delicious."

"I hope everyone likes it."

"I'm sure they will." Alfred reached under a cabinet to pull out a picnic basket. "I would suggest going ahead and setting up your lunch by the gardens. I'll send Master Damian your way."

"Thanks." Marinette began to pack everything they needed. "Just give me five minutes to set this up and then send him out." She waved before leaving for the rose gardens.
Marinette found a nice grassy spot in the gardens to lay out her blanket. She set the basket down in the middle and pulled out the still very warm dishes she made for them. She tried to make it as symmetrical as possible when she laid out their plates and silverware. She found herself walking around the blanket multiple times to make sure everything was in place before finally sitting down to wait for Damian.

Alfred must have impeccable timing because not even a minute later, Damian came strolling up to her.

"Wow, Angel." Damian looked around at everything. "You set all this up?"

"I did." She patted the spot across from her. "Although I did have a little help from Alfred with the cooking."

"This is absolutely amazing." He sat down across from her. "What did you make?"

"Spinach Souffle and Flamiche. It's some of my favorite dishes." Marinette begins to serve them both. "I hope you like it."

"I'm excited to try it."

Marinette nervously watched as he took his first bites of the food and she began to smile when Damian's face lit up.

"This is absolutely delicious Marinette. Why would you ever think anyone would not like this?"

"Oh, I'm so glad you like it. This would have been really awkward if you didn't." Marinette looked at him for a moment. "Wait, are you just telling me you like it so you won't hurt my feelings? Or do you really like it? Because I don't want to make something you don't actually like. You can tell me how you really feel."

"Angel, don't worry." Damian laughed. "I really do like it. I promise to tell you the truth if I don't."

Marinette sighed in relief. "Okay, good. You better." She finally began to eat as well. "So, what have you been doing while I was in the kitchen?"

"Just working on a little project... and trying my hardest to ignore Plagg."

"Yeah, I am sorry about him." Marinette looked around for a moment. "Hey, where is Plagg anyways?"

"Alfred bribed all the kwami's with food."

"Smart man." Marinette nodded.

"Agreed." Damian chuckled.

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