Chapter 63: Winning with Embarrassment

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"So, Damian" Chloe spoke to the young billionaire as he and his girlfriend sat down at the table for lunch. "we all wanted to know what you did to have Mari so distracted yesterday that she actually fell down the stairs."

"Chloe!" Marinette wined.

"What?" Chloe shrugged. "Its true. We all want to know."

The bluenette looked to the rest of her friends to see them all nodding at Chloe in agreement.

"You guys are so nosy." Marinette sighed.

Chloe was about to speak again but Nino and Alya came strolling up to the nearly full table.

"Nino, I'm not going to fit at this table. There is only one seat left." Alya frowned.

"Oh, right." Nino looked around. "We can go sit somewhere else."

Damian looked over at his girlfriend to see that she looked noticeably upset at this fact. Sighing, he reached over to her where she sat in the seat right beside him and easily lifted her up and onto his lap.

A small squeak escaped her lips before she looked over at him with surprise.

"There." He shrugged as he leaned to the side to look at Alya. "Now there is room."

"Damian... I can't just sit on you lap." She tried to sound serious but her embarrassment got the better of her as she turned a few shades redder.

"Says who?" He questioned as he reached around her to eat his food. "I'm not bothered by it." He said after he swallowed what he was eating.

Before Marinette could protest anymore, Alya dragged Nino to the empty seats beside Marinette to sit. "Thanks, Damian." She giggled before winking at the blushing bluenette.

"Fine." Marinette huffed as she pulled her lunch tray closer to her to give Alya some space.

"Not that you guys aren't cute and all, but this doesn't get you out of my question." Chloe smiled at the couple.

"What question?" Nino asked.

"We want to know what Damian was doing exactly that had Marinette fall down the stairs." Alix informed.

"I can make a few educated guesses if you want me to." Max added.

"No thank you, Max." Marinette shook her head. "Keep your crazy theories to yourself."

"Oh, come on, Marinette!" Kim pleaded. "You know we are really curious when even Juleka is interested."

Marinette looked over to Juleka to see her shrug. "I would like to know." She said quietly.

"Did he do something romantic for you?" Rose said a bit overly excited.

"Well, you see..." Damian began with a smirk as he talked over her shoulder.

Marinette decided that it was now or never so she quickly turned her attention to her boyfriend and grabbed both sides of his face for a kiss to quiet whatever embarrassing excuse he would come up with.

While he was distracted, she raked her fingers through his perfectly groomed hair and smiled as she pulled away, happy with her success.

A few whistles and some cooing could actually be heard from not only their table, but also from people all around the lunchroom. Soon enough, the whole lunchroom was in applause.

It was instant regret for Marinette as both her and Damian went red with embarrassment.

"Why did you just do that?" Damian whispered in her back.

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