Chapter 121: Epilogue

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Saying goodbye was hard for Marinette. She knew she would be seeing them again but she also knew she would miss them all. On the bright side, the flight back to Paris was a whole lot less stressful than the flight to Gotham. She had the Wayne's to thank for that.

She wasn't saying goodbye to her new family in Gotham for as long as the public thinks though. After all, Ladybird still had to be seen in Gotham so the dots aren't easy to connect. She would use Kaalki every now and then so her alter ego can be seen by the public.

Marinette was awakened by the sudden jolt of the plane landing. She looked out the window to see that it was dark outside. This wasn't a surprise, what with the time difference and the over seven-hour flight.

The closer she got to exiting the plane, the more excited she felt to see her parents again. It felt like a lifetime since she had seen them face to face but it was really only three weeks.

"Oh, it feels so good to be home." Adrien said next to her.

"You've missed Kagami, haven't you?" Marinette chuckled.

"Of course. Her and her mother should be picking me up at the gate." He said as they finally exited the plane to make their way to the inside of the airport.

It wasn't too long after that her and her class were greeted by their family and friends. Marinette smiled at all the reunions around her before catching sight of her parents. She quickly ran up to meet them and give them both a large hug.

"Marinette, dear. I'm so happy you're back. I feel like you have gone forever." Her mother smiled at her.

"You have been quite the talk of the town." Her father boomed. "My daughter has become famous."

"I think you mean acquainted to the famous." Marinette giggled.

"Oh, no. You are famous." Her mother laughed. "They had to kick the paparazzi out because they were causing such a scene. I'm sure we will see them outside. We should hurry to the subway."

"Okay." Marinette grinned at her mother. "I'd like to go home anyways. I miss my bedroom."

Marinette and her family had to full on sprint to out maneuver the crowd of people with cameras, but eventually they snuck their way into the back door of the bakery.

"Well." Tom laughed. "I see this as free promotion for the bakery."

"I'm sure they will leave eventually." Marinette said.

"So," Sabine grabbed her daughters' hand and led her to the couch. "Tell us about your trip. Tell us all about him."

Marinette smiled widely before retelling her story, with a few details omitted of course. She had a feeling that she would be telling this story to a lot of people around Paris. That was okay though because this story had a happy ending. A happy ending that granted a fun new beginning.

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