Chapter 103: Movie Day and Purring

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"It was so nice meeting you two." Marinette was now saying goodbye to Raven and Gar shortly after breakfast.

"I'm sure we will be seeing you again." Raven smiled at the bluenette before giving her a brief hug. "You better keep Damian in line."

"I'll try my best." Marinette laughed when she heard Damian scoff.

"You have our numbers now so don't be afraid to call us if you need help with something." Gar informed before also giving the bluenette a hug.

"Will do." She waved as the two of them leave out the front door.

"You make friends with everyone, don't you Sunshine?" Jason asked.

"Well I try to." She giggles. "Is that a bad thing or something?"

"No." Dick spoke up. "Its just nice to see, that's all."

"Indeed, it is." Alfred agrees. "Although, might I suggest you all get to work and school. We wouldn't want you all to be late."

"You're right, Alfred." Bruce spoke up. "Let's get going boys."

After saying her goodbyes, Marinette was left at home with Alfred, Jason, Kori and Selina.

"You usually aren't home during the day Selina." Marinette said as they all sat down in the living room. "Where do you usually go anyways?"

"I've been mainly helping out my girls at the woman's shelter." Selina said with a smile. "Although today they are a bit busy doing their own thing. They are currently searching for a larger apartment."

"So, you are just relaxing at home today?" Kori asks.

"Sure, why not? Everybody could use a little relaxation time."

"Why don't we make today a movie day?" Marinette asks with excitement.

"That sounds like fun, Pixie-pop. What do you think Alfred?" Jason looks over to the butler. "We can have some snacks and watch some of our favorite movies."

"Sounds like a plan, Master Jason." Alfred nodded. "I shall get started on the snacks right away."
"There you are, Angel." Damian said as he walked into the rather dark living room.

"Woah. Your school let out already?" The bluenette took out her phone to look at the time. "We have been watching movies all day." She hopped up to give him a hug. "How was school?"

"Relatively normal." Damian looked around at everyone laying comfortably on the couch with snacks surrounding them. "It looks like you had a good day."

"Yeah, we all had a pretty good day." She grinned at him.

"Did you know that Sunshine here hates scary movies?" Jason began to laugh.

"Jay! I told you to stop laughing at me." The bluenette whined.

"I'm sorry." Jason tried to hide his smile but he couldn't quite succeed.

"But that movie was quite terrifying." Kori added. "It made me jump a few times as well."

"See, Jason? Even Kori agrees with me."

"Yes, but Kori didn't fling popcorn everywhere." Jason raised an eyebrow at her.

"Your brother is making fun of me." Marinette looked up at her boyfriend with a frown.

"Do you want me to do something about it, Angel?" Damian smirked.

"Nah, because then you would just try to hurt him." She giggled. "I don't want that."

"Awe, see I knew you liked me, Pixie-pop."

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