Chapter 70: Typical Plagg

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"Master Damian, Miss Marinette. Breakfast will be ready in ten." Alfred knocked on Marinette's door. "Don't forget you two have to meet with Miss Isley and Miss Quinzel today. No sleeping in."

"We'll be down soon." Damian called through the door.

Marinette surprisingly sat up in bed and began to stretch her arms out with a yawn.

"Well you got up easily enough." Damian laid on his side in the bed and rested his head on his hand as he looked over at her. "Did you have a good night's rest?"

"Sure did." She smiled down at him. "I slept like the dead." Marinette reached down to play with Damian's hair for a moment before she slid out of bed. "I guess it's time to get dressed."

Damian watched as she began to pull out some clothes to wear. "You look extra happy today." He smiled.

"Well I feel extra happy today." She answered as she began to get dressed. "Aren't you going to get ready too?"

"I suppose I should." He sat up in the bed. "There is such a nice view though from where I'm sitting that I just don't want to move."

Marinette laughed as she walked into the bathroom and came back out with a handful of clothes. "Here." She threw them at Damian. "Get across the hall and go put on some appropriate clothes. I'll meet you in the hallway."

"Fine." Damian sighed. He then stood up to put his old shorts on that Marinette had just thrown at him. "See you in a minute." He winked as he left through his door.

Damian saw Dick leaving his room at the same time he left Marinette's and he couldn't help but notice his annoying knowing grin. He ignored him and just went straight across the hall to his own bedroom.

The second his door shut, Plagg came zooming strait into his face with Titus chasing after him.

"Your crazy dog won't leave me alone." Plagg complained.

Damian watched as Titus playfully jumped up at the kwami. "It's probably because you smell like cheese and look like a fancy flying toy that talks." He began to pet the dog. "But I'll let him out." He turned around to open up the door and Titus went running down the hall. "Why are you even in my room?"

"I am your kwami, remember? Whatever is yours is also mine." Plagg floated freely around the room.

"I'm not sure that's how it works." Damian began to pull out some clean clothes out of his closet.

Meanwhile, Marinette found herself struggling with her hair again. Eventually she managed to get it into a halfway decent ponytail and she checked herself out one last time before grabbing her phone and bag.

"You kwami's ready for breakfast?" She looked over at her kwami's who were laying on the loveseat. It took her a moment realize that Plagg wasn't with her.

"You bet." Tikki said excitedly. "Let's get going."

Marinette opened her door and expected Damian to be right there, but found that no one was in the hallway. "I guess we will be waiting on Damian today." She grinned at Tikki as she leaned against the wall next to Damian's door.

Less than a minute later, Damian came out of his room arguing with his kwami.

"I have a whole manor you can explore. You don't have to rummage around my room!"

Marinette giggled at the all too familiar arguments she used to have with Plagg. "Good morning, Plagg. As stubborn as always I see."

Damian then turned his attention to the bluenette. "Hello, Angel." His annoyed expression immediately changed once he saw her. "I'm sorry you had to wait for me. I would have been quicker if it wasn't for him." He pointed to Plagg.

"No, it's okay." She grabbed his hand and started to walk towards the dining room. "I completely understand how Plagg can be." She giggled.

"Hey! What is that supposed to mean?" Plagg scoffed.

"You know exactly what they mean, Plagg." Tikki scolded. "And I told you to just stay with us for the time being. Why don't you ever listen?"

"Because I'm a free spirit." Plagg grinned. "And you can't suppress my true nature."

"I though you said you wouldn't get in my nerves." Damian glared at the kwami. "You said that as long as you had cheese you would leave me alone."

"That is correct." Plagg nodded. "But do you see any cheese anywhere?"

"If you wanted cheese you should have bothered Alfred. I know he's got some for you." Damian finally entered the dining room with Marinette and the kwami's in tow.

"Yeah, you're probably right." Plagg zoomed off towards the direction of Alfred.

"Good morning, Damian." Dick greeted as the two sat down. "Good morning, Marinette."

"Good morning." Marinette said cheerfully as she began to pile food into her plate.

"Do you two know what time you are meeting up with Ivy?" Bruce asked before Dick could say anything else.

"Oh, yeah!" Marinette pulled out her phone. "She said to meet around 10am at this address." She handed her phone over to Damian so he could give it to his father.

"This is about a street over from Gotham City park." Bruce handed the phone back over to Damian. "I guess that it would make sense that an important old plant would be so near to there. Our oldest living tree is in that park."

"But isn't this an old apartment building now?" Damian looked at the address before handing Marinette back her phone.

"It is." Bruce nodded. "Let's hope that this plant isn't so large that its roots might disturb the structural integrity of those buildings. If you fear that might be the case, please leave and let me know."

"Oh, Marinette's abilities would never allow her to destroy anything that has been created, even if it is man-made and non-living." Tikki spoke up. "It's against our nature."

"That's helpful." Tim nodded.

"I sure am curious about this plant that Ivy wants me to heal. It must be something amazing."

"I'm pretty sure that woman would invite you around to heal a dying weed, she loves plants that much." Jason deadpanned.

"Well I hope it's not a weed. That would be a bit disappointing." Marinette joked right back.

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