Chapter 38: Legal Action

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Damian made his way to meet up with his girlfriend and once he reached her, he intertwined his fingers with hers and kissed the back of her hand. "Hello, Angel." He smirks.

All of Damian's class, including his own teacher gasped in shock. They had never seen him act like that.

Rose started to tear up after a moment. "I don't understand. Are you Damian Wayne? You don't even have blue eyes."

"Yes, this is my son Damian. Why did you think he would have blue eyes?" Bruce raised an eyebrow at the upset teen.

"You lied to us Lila?" The small blonde looked sadly at the sausage haired girl.

"N-no. I would never do that. Marinette just stole him away from me." Lila let out her crocodile tears.

"Marinette!" Alya started to storm up to the stage. "How could you do this to her? You knew she loved him."

Jason stomped his way over to the angry teen to stop her from coming any closer. "You better watch yourself." He almost looked as scary as Batman himself and Alya was at least smart enough to stop what she was doing.

"Okay Miss Rossi, I already warned you once and it looks like you didn't take me seriously, now did you?" Bruce pulled out his phone to make a call.

"What are you doing?" She immediately stopped her crying to look at the billionaire.

"Father is calling our attorneys." Damian gave the Italian girl a smug look.

"What?" Alya backed away from Jason to look over at Damian. "Why is he doing that? Lila did nothing wrong."

All of Marinette's friends plus the Wayne family started to laugh hysterically besides Bruce, who kept a stone-cold face while on the phone.

"You couldn't be further from the truth. She is a bully and a pathological liar." Tim tried to calm his laughter down.

"No, I'm not! Right guys?" She looked around to all of her friends.

Nobody seemed to back her up and all they could do is stare between her and the billion-dollar family.

"No, Marinette is the only bully here." Alya seemed to get more and more mad.

"Really?" Tim stared at the girl. "Because I have evidence that both you and Lila verbally bullied Marinette and you stood around and did nothing while Lila intentionally bumped into Marinette in a malicious way. That is considered physical assault. You even laughed at the whole thing."

The room went eerily quiet after Tim said that and Lila started to shake where she stood.

"Would any of you like to see this evidence?" Tim looked to the crowd. "Just put your hands up if you do."

It was surprising that almost everyone in the room raised their hands. The only ones who didn't were Bruce, Tim, Alya and Lila herself. Both the teachers even seemed to be invested at this point.

"Looks like it's practically unanimous." Tim pulled out a small remote out of his pocket and pressed a button.

A large white projector screen started to roll down from the ceiling and after it was all the way down, Tim clicked another button and the screen lit up with what appeared to be surveillance footage of the class at Wayne Tower. Once it started to play, they could hear what the class was saying through the speakers around the auditorium. Someone also subtitled the conversation over the footage in English because they were all speaking in French.

"Maribitch is such an attention whore." Alya says.

"And it's such a shame too." Lila agrees. "If she just wasn't so jealous of me then maybe she wouldn't be so awful. But maybe I'm being too optimistic."

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