Chapter 83: Koriand'r

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By the time everyone made it to the front door, the couple were already locking lips in a hungry embrace.

"Ah-hem." Bruce cleared his throat loudly to break them apart.

"Oh, I am sorry." Kori stepped away from Dick with a bright smile and looked around at everyone before stopping on Marinette. "And who is this little one?"

"I'm Marinette." The bluenette held out her hand for the woman to shake. "You must be Kori. I'm Damian's girlfriend."

"Damian's girlfriend?" She looked down at the teens joined hands. "Oh, this is the most wonderful of news! I did not have any idea that little D had gotten a girlfriend."

"Yeah, we have a ton to catch up on. You missed a lot." Dick guided her inside and shut the door. "You can take the glasses off Kori. Marinette knows."

"It seems I do have much catching up to do." Kori took off her glasses to finally show her eyes.

Marinette had seen pictures of Starfire before but she had never really noticed how green her eyes were. She had no white to her eyes, only a lighter shade of green to the color of her iris. It almost reminded her of Chat Noir's eyes but they were much more vibrant and far more beautiful and natural looking.

"We were just having breakfast if you would like to join us, Miss Koriand'r." Alfred gestured to the living room.

"I would love that very much." She nodded in enthusiasm.

After some rearranging of seats so Kori could sit next to Dick, they all got back to eating their breakfast again.

"So, Marinette." Kori smiled brightly at the bluenette. "Tell me about yourself. You do not sound like you are from Gotham."

"That's because I'm not. I'm from France. I live in my parent's bakery back home in Paris. I came to Gotham on a school trip because I won the Thomas and Martha Wayne Scholarship. I'll be going to Gotham University in the Fall to study Fashion and Design."

"A school trip you say? Why are you not with your fellow classmates?" She asked.

"Oh, that's a long story." Marinette took a deep breath.

"I think it would be best if we just showed you it all and then you can ask questions afterwards." Tim offered.

"Oh, so you have created one of your famous files on her to show me? Like the one you have made on me and the other Titans?"

"Sure did." Tim pulled out his phone and tapped on it for a moment. "I was planning on showing you this when you came back but I didn't expect Marinette to still be here. I figured that if I had all the evidence then people would actually be inclined to believe this." He slid his phone across the table at her.

"You keep your file about me on your phone?" Marinette raised an eyebrow at Tim.

"Don't worry. No one else will be able to see it unless I want them to." Tim had a confident smile.

Kori seemed to really be enjoying the food as she went through all the videos and pictures in the file that Tim had gave her. In the meantime, everyone else at the table watched her expression closely as they ate. Marinette even cringed a bit when she heard the video of Lila bullying her and tried her best to ignore it all together. Eventually though, Kori finished reading the whole report Tim made on Marinette.

"So, you are a super hero as well?" Kori smiled at the bluenette after handing the phone back to Tim. "And Damian is your soulmate? Very exciting!"

"Yeah." Marinette nodded with enthusiasm. "You don't seem very surprised about any of this though."

"Small, strong and beautiful women are very common on my planet. You remind me a lot of one of my royal guards' women back home. Although I am a bit surprised that someone would bully a person such as yourself. It seems to me this Lila was jealous."

"Oh, um... yeah." Marinette nodded awkwardly.

"I would love to see these 'kwami's' by the way. We have nothing like these magical creatures on my planet."

"Someone rang?" Plagg said as he phased theatrically through the table that everyone was eating at.

"Tim was right in his assessment. You do look like a tiny flying earth cat." Kori didn't even hesitate to snatch him out of the air.

"Hey!" Plagg phased through her hands and up out of her reach. "Paws off, lady."

"He density shifts? Like Martian Manhunter?" She looks up at him with amazement.

"Actually," Tikki flies out from under the table to sit on Marinette's shoulder while Kaalki goes to sit on the other. "all of us kwami's can phase through anything."

"What miraculous creatures you kwami's are." She looks at them with wonder.

Marinette began to giggle at Kori's word choice.

"Did I say something humorous?"

"No." Marinette shook her head. "It's just that you called them miraculous. That's the name of the magical jewelry that bonds us to the kwami's."

"A fitting name I suppose." Kori smiled back at the bluenette. "You are quite the joyous girl, Marinette."

"We don't call her the Sunshine of Gotham for no reason, Kori." Jason reached across the table to pat Marinette's head. "Pixie-pop can make almost anyone's day brighter."

Marinette swatted Jason's hand away playfully. "You are going to mess my hair up, Jay!"

"Oh! Like you messed up Damian's in that one video on Tim's file?" Kori spoke cheerfully through a mouthful of food.

"Listen, no one was supposed to see that." Marinette quickly went red.

"You should not be embarrassed Marinette. Showing your love to your significant other, especially a soulmate, is nothing to be ashamed of. I had to fight to bring the freedom of love back to my planet. I was to be wedded to someone else before I met Dick. It was a struggle to convince my people. You are lucky."

"Yes." Marinette smiled at Damian. "I am lucky."

"So Kori," Dick turned his attention to his girlfriend. "How was your trip to Tamaran? You said it was an emergency and you had to leave suddenly. Everything good?"

"Oh, everything is great. It went far better than I expected. I have a few things I still need to do though." Kori quickly snapped her head back to her food and began to eat again.

"That is your second plate, Miss Koriand'r. I assume the food is good?" Alfred took notice of her quickly clearing her plate again.

"I hadn't even realized I ate so much." Kori looked back up at everyone watching her. "I must have had a long trip back here."

"Or you just really missed Alfred's cooking." Selina gave her a soft smile. "I know I would."

"Yes, Selina." Kori quickly agreed. "That is a true statement. We have nothing like this back on my planet."

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