Chapter 17: Cleaning Up the Mess and Getting Good Advice

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Bruce runs into the kitchen with Alfred, Selina, Barbara and the kwami's following him to see all four of his sons plus Marinette covered in flour and other baking ingredients. Tim and Jason seem to be rolling around on the floor wrestling over a spoon and Marinette was chasing Damian around with cookie dough on her hands. A closer look at Damian showed that he had the substance smeared all over his face and hair and Dick was up on the counter recording the whole thing laughing.

Shaking his head, Bruce cleared his throat loudly to get their attention. "What's going on in here?"

Marinette squeaked at his presence and bowed her head. "I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. I was just making some cookies and things got a little out of hand." She begins to fidget with her hands. "I promise I'll clean everything up."

"I know how my boys can be and I guarantee that this is not all your fault." He pats the small girls head.

"You aren't mad at me?" She looks up at the billionaire.

"It will take a lot more than a small mess in the kitchen to make me mad. I do live with four boys after all." He looks to his sons. "You all better help her clean this mess up."

Dick hops off the counter. "Of course we will. What kind of assholes would we be if we just let her clean up the mess we made?"

Just then the oven goes off and Marinette grabs an oven mitt to pull the cookies out. "The cookies are done! They actually look pretty good. Except for yours, Jay." She sets the cookies to cool on the stove. "I told you, you used too many eggs." She giggled.

"Wait." Barbara looks to the cookies. "You actually managed to get something done while making this mess?"

"Yeah." Marinette smiled at her. "We made enough for everyone. I just wouldn't eat Jason's."

"Rude." Jason scoffs.
"I'm glad they liked my cookies." Marinette smiled at the sink full of dishes that she was washing.

"Angel, I'm pretty sure they just like you in general." Damian grabs a clean bowl from Marinette to dry.

"And I feel like that's just crazy. I've done nothing but cause trouble." She shakes her head.

"Not any more trouble than we are already used to." Dick says from across the kitchen where he is sweeping up flour from off the floor.

"Yeah." Jason says from where he and Tim are cleaning the counters. "Plus, you are like our own little sunshine of Gotham. You make this place seem a little less doom and gloom."

Marinette finishes up her last dish and hands it to Damian. "I'm still sorry that we ended up trashing the kitchen. I know this isn't how you wanted to spend your night."

"Are you kidding?" Dick laughs. "This was so much more fun than anything else we had planned on our night off."

"Oh! That reminds me." Marinette pulls out her phone. "I want you to send me that picture and video you took." Marinette looks around to all the boys. "Do you all want my number too? Just in case."

They all exchange numbers and Marinette smiles down at her phone when she gets the picture. "Damian. Why didn't you smile?"

He shrugs. "Didn't feel like it."

"Well you're going to smile for this one." She wraps her arm around his shoulder and holds up her phone for a picture.

"I still have cookie dough in my hair though." He looks down at her.

"Well that's your own fault for being too slow. Come on, Damian. Just smile."

Instead of looking into the camera, he can't help but to keep his attention on her to smile while she takes the picture. "I let you catch me."

Saving the picture for Damian's contact photo she looks up at him and pats his head. "Whatever you say, Boy Wonder. I know I can give you a run for your money. I already punched you in the face once."

"Ha!" Tim snorts at his brother. "She got you there."

"Lucky shot." Damian scoffs.

"Probably." She winks at him. "Maybe we can have a round two sometime." She begins to walk out of the kitchen.

"A round two?" He follows her out. "Are you challenging me?"

"Sure am." She makes her way to her door. "Maybe that can be our second date if the first one goes well."

"Sounds like a plan, Angel." He leans against the wall next to her.

"Well I need to wash the flour out of my hair and go to bed." She opens up her door. "Goodnight, Damian. I'll see you in the morning."

"Goodnight, Marinette." He waves at her as she smiles at him before shutting the door.

He stares at her door for a minute or two before he runs down the hall to find Dick. Just as he turns the corner, he sees him leaving the kitchen. "Grayson, I need your advice."

"My advice?" He points to himself, confused. "Why me?"

"You have a girlfriend; therefore, you would be the most useful." He spoke with a straight face.

"Awe, I'm flattered, baby bird." He walks them to an empty room. "What's up?"

"So, you know how I have a date with Marinette tomorrow, correct?"

"Yes. The whole house was cheering for you." Dick nodded.

"You will pay for eavesdropping on us." He looks angrily at Dick. "But my point is that I have no idea where to take her."

"Well..." He thinks for a moment. "You don't want to take her anywhere too fancy or you might overwhelm her." Dick's face lights up. "I know just the place. I will even set it all up for you. All you have to do is pick her up and take her there."

"Thank you, Grayson."

"Anytime, little D. You better go get a shower and some sleep. You still have school in the morning."

"I'm aware." He rolls his eyes as he heads to his room for the night.

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