Chapter 42: Finding a Distraction

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"Welcome back Master Damian, Miss Marinette." Alfred greeted as he opened the front door for them. "Master Jason has been very eager to hear about your day."

"Yeah, we figured." Marinette shrugged and let her kwami's out to run free. "Where is he anyways?"

"Did you miss me, Pixie-pop?" Jason spoke up from the other room and walked to the front door to see her.

"I saw you just this morning." She rolled her eyes.

"That still doesn't answer my question." He smirked at her. "So, how was school?"

"It was very interesting." Marinette grabbed Damian's hand and started to walk away. "We will tell you all about it at dinner."

"Oh, come on Sunshine." Jason followed after her. "At least tell me what your friends thought of the whole thing."

"I told you he couldn't wait." Damian shook his head.

"Well he's just going to have to learn to wait. I'm not cracking." She finally made it to her room and opened her door.

Jason stood in the door way as they walked in and he looked at the small teen and his younger brother, a bit annoyed. "I will stand here all day and ask you until you tell me." He crossed his arms.

"That's fine." Marinette stood on her tippy toes to give Damian a kiss before going over to the sewing machine to continue her work. "I enjoy the company while I am sewing."

"Ew. I told you not to kiss in front of me." Jason looked a little disgusted.

"Well then shut the door and leave." Damian followed his girlfriend to watch her sew. "No one asked you to be here."

"Sunshine wants me here." He looked to the bluenette. "Isn't that right?"

Marinette looked at him for a moment before answering. "Actually, I do need you for something." She grabbed her tape measure off of the table and walked up to him. "Put your arms out."

"What?" He looked down at her.

"Your arms." She guides his arms to stick out away from his body like a t-pose. "I need to take some measurements."

"What are you doing?" Jason watches her as she measures his wing span, then his chest.

"I was going to eye-ball it but if you really don't want to leave then I might as well put you to good use." She finished the rest of his measurements and then wrote it down on a scrap piece of paper. "I'm not making yours right now so it will still be a surprise."

"Then who's are you making?" He asked.

Marinette smiled when she found her distraction to be working. "Tim's. It's a blazer. I figured that it's nice enough that he could wear it to work but also casual enough that he could just wear it around town if he wanted to." She showed him the nice grey fabric she was working with. "I'll have it finished in an hour or so. Just in time for dinner. I'm also hand stitching the Red Robin symbol in the lining of the jacket. I like to personalize everything I make."

"That's actually really cool, Sunshine." Jason smiled at her work. "What are you making everyone else?"

"I already finished Barbara's. It's a warm knitted sweater with 'Oracle' stitched on the inside of the wrist. It's very cute and easy to miss. For Bruce, I noticed he wears a lot of handkerchiefs so I'm making one for him. It will have a small bat symbol in the corner that can only be noticeable if the light hits it just right, otherwise it will just be light grey. I'm making Selina a form fitting faux black leather jacket with a cat stitched on the inside pocket. Alfred's will be a bow-tie with his initials stitched into it and Dick's will be a long sleeved, form fitting turtle neck. I noticed that Dick is very casual and tends to stick to solid colors so his shirt will be the same blue color that's on his Nightwing suit. Stitched into the collar will be a variation of the Nightwing symbol as well." She smiled up at the two boys in the room. "The other two I'm going to have to keep secret because you both are here."

"Are you going to have enough time to finish all of this?" Damian asked. "Don't you still have to make yourself a dress?"

"I think I'll have plenty of time. I already finished yours, Damian along with Barbara's. Tim's is almost done. Bruce and Alfred's I can probably finish in an hour and that just leaves Jay, Dick, Selina and my own. I'll probably have this all finished by the end of the week or maybe the beginning of next week. It will all definitely be ready before the Gala."

"Will you tell me what you made demon spawn when he's not around?" Jason seemed to be very interested.

"Can you keep a secret?" Marinette raised an eyebrow at him.

"You're joking, right? Do you even know this family?" Jay cracks a smile at her.

"I see your point." She laughed. "Maybe I will."
All three of them were lost in conversation when Alfred called them to dinner. "Wow, Pixie-pop. You actually managed to distract me. No fair."

"You could have turned the conversation around at any moment." She set down the turtle neck she had just started and walked away from the desk to head to dinner. "But I guess we can answer all the questions you have now."

They made their way to the dining room table and sat down. After fighting over some food and filling up their plates, Jason finally asked. "So, how was it after we left?"

"Rose, Juleka and Nino actually apologized." Marinette smiled. "And Alya now knows the truth so that's good."

"Alya is still an idiot though. Her own boyfriend broke up with her over the way she is acting." Damian added.

"I don't think GA was ready for all that drama today." The bluenette shook her head. "I've never seen Nino so mad. He's usually a very calm and chill person."

"If you ask me, he did the right thing." Damian said matter of factly.

"I know, but I understand why Alya is so upset. Everything she worked so hard for was actually a lie."

"It's better that this was all brought to light now rather than later." Dick added. "She still has the chance to learn and grow from this."

"That's what my teacher said too." Marinette ate a mouthful of food. "She even apologized to us as well."

"As she should, little kitten." Selina smiled at her. "It's nice to know you have a good teacher on your side."

"She said the only reason she never did more for me was because she was afraid she would lose her job if she spoke out against my old principal. I feel bad for her. At least my friends got a good laugh out of the whole thing."

"How did baby bird's class react to the two of you?" Dick changed the subject.

"I've never been such a spectacle in all my life. They looked at me like I was holding hands with Satan himself." She joked. "Plus, Damian had to embarrass me." The bluenette looked at her boyfriend.

"I did no such thing." He smirked at her.

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