Chapter 55: Learning of Damian's Friends

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As Marinette got ready in the morning, she found herself a little sad that she only had two days left at Gotham Academy. She still had the weekend plus her free week to spend with Damian and her friends, but to her it doesn't feel like enough time. Leaving her room, she meets up with Damian in the hallway.

"You ready for breakfast, Angel?" He smiled at her.

"Yeah." She nodded. "I'm just kind of bummed that this week has gone by so fast. I only have two days left with you at your school."

"I know." Damian gave her a sad smile. "You've actually made me enjoy school. I never found that place even remotely interesting before you came along."

"Maybe if you had some friends it wouldn't be so boring." Marinette joked.

"Hey, I have friends. Kinda..." He shrugged. "They just don't go to my school."

"Really?" The bluenette raised her eyebrow. "Like who?"

"Well I'm sure Jon would consider us best friends. He's okay, I guess. And the Titans would consider me a friend. You know, like Raven and Beast Boy. That's probably the extent of my friendships."

They had both made it to the dining room and were grabbing food at this point as they chatted.

"Okay, well I have heard of the Titans before and I kinda figured that you knew them by this point because Robin's have always been a member of the team here and there but who is Jon?"

"Oh, Jon!" Dick cut into their conversation. "Have you talked to him lately?" He looked at his youngest brother.

"Not in a few weeks. Why?"

"So, you haven't told him yet?" Jason asked from across the table.

"No. We only catch up maybe once a month because he is so busy with his father. Lex has been hitting his city hard lately. It's ridiculous neither of them will ask us for help."

"Metropolis is their city." Bruce said in a stern voice. "How would you like it if they came over here without our invitation and tried to solve our problems?"

"I know." Damian sighed.

"This still doesn't answer my question." Marinette spoke up. "Who is Jon?"

Everyone at the table besides Marinette looked over to Bruce for conformation before Bruce finally spoke up.

"I believe you are trustworthy enough now. You are a part of the team. Jon is Superman's son. He's Superboy. He and Damian essentially trained together at a very young age."

"Wow... Sometimes I forget that you guys all know all these cool people." The bluenette smiled in wonder.

"Jon is not 'cool'." Damian rolled his eyes.

"Maybe not, but how would I know without meeting them?"

"Jon will be there at the charity gala with both of his parents if you would like to meet them." Bruce informed.

"Why is Superman going to be there?"

"Superman isn't, but his civilian form is." Tim said after swallowing a mouth full of food.

"So, do you all know the whole League's secret identities?"

"Yes, but not all of them know ours." Bruce spoke as if that was the most normal thing to say.

"I'm afraid most of you must be leaving soon." Alfred intervened before anymore questions could be asked. "We wouldn't want to be late, now would we?"

"Oh, right!" Marinette exclaimed before scarfing down the remainder of her food.

The rest of the family smiled at her excitable nature.
School seemed to go on pretty much the same way it had the day before except there were less paparazzi on the lookout for the young couple. Damian's plan of dark tinted windows was working. The only major difference in this day was when lunch came around and Nino pulled Mari and Dami off to the side before they sat down at their table.

"What's up?" Marinette asked as Damian looked at the boy with acute annoyance.

"Can I give Alya your new phone number? She wont stop bugging me about it and she's starting to get on my nerves." Nino looked at her apologetically.

"Why do you think she wants my number?" The bluenette asked as her eyebrows knit together.

Nino shrugged. "I don't know. You can always block her number if she starts sending nasty messages again. I really just hope that she wants to apologize though."

Marinette looked over to the table where Alya was sitting all alone again and sighed. Both Damian and Nino followed her line of sight.

"Okay fine, but tell her that if she wants my number just to argue with me to not even bother. I won't give her the time of day."

Damian looked at her like she was crazy but Nino smiled widely at her answer.

"Awesome, dudette. I'll give it to her after school today." He waved to them both before going to sit with the rest of their friends.

"Are you sure about this, Angel?" Damian looked a bit concerned.

"I'm sure. I think she may have seen the light and she may want to apologize to me on her own terms and that's okay with me." She grabbed her boyfriend's hand to take him back to the table with all her friends. "You have to understand that this is hard for her. Admitting that you were wrong can be a very hard thing to do for a lot of people."

When they both finally sat down, Damian leaned closer to her to continue their conversation silently. "Why is it that you are so great when it comes to people and their emotions?" He smiled down at her.

"I've had years of practice when it comes to dealing with people and the actions of their negative emotions." She whispered back.

"You are amazing." He spoke just a tiny bit louder to her before grabbing her hand and kissing the back of it as Marinette's face began to blush.

"Yuck." Kim looked at the couple with sarcasm in his eyes. "You two are almost as much of a hopeless romantic as Adrien here was when he started to date Kagami."

"Hey! We were and still are an adorable couple." Adrien grinned as the group laughed.

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