Chapter 28: Two-Face

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Ladybird and Robin were the first ones back, with Ladybird only beating him to the cave by a few seconds.

"Welcome back." Oracle turns around to greet them. "You did good out there tonight, Ladybird."

"Thanks." Marinette grabs Robin's hand and drags him to the Bat computer to talk to Barbara. "Did the others do anything interesting?"

"They may have found something." She turns back around to the computer. "But we will all debrief when everyone gets back."

"Okay." The three make small talk while they wait for the others to arrive. Not 5 minutes later the four come riding in on their respective bikes and in the Batmobile.

"Good." Barbara looks at everyone around her. "Now that we are all here, we can start. Nightwing and Red hood along with Robin and Ladybird all dealt with minor situations today. Good job to the four of you for de-escalating the situations. Now on to more serious matters." Oracle pulls up a picture of an ancient looking golden yen and yang pendant. "This as an old Chinese relic being held on display at the Gotham Museum. Batman and Red Robin caught sight of a few of Two-Face's men on the northern part of the city and was able to listen in on their conversation. Apparently Two-Face and his crew are planning on robbing the Museum for this artifact. It will be worth millions on the black market."

"My class is going there tomorrow." Ladybird looked worried.

"Yes." Oracle nodded at the bluenette. "We know. This is why we will need to formulate a plan to intersect them and protect the people inside, plus the artifacts."

"Okay." Ladybird had on a very determined face. "I'm ready to help in whatever way I can."
"Hey, Marinette." Chloe greeted her as she met up with her class.

"Hey, guys." She briefly hugged all her friends. "Are you all ready for the last tour of the trip?"

"We sure are." Max nodded. "This is the place I've been the most excited about."

"Yeah." Marinette looked around at all the cameras. "Me too."

"Marinette." She heard Oracle speak up from the ear piece she is wearing. "Stay calm. Still no sign of them yet. I'll let you know when it's time."

She slightly nodded towards a camera as she followed her class inside the front doors.

"Today, students" Madame Mendeleiev spoke up from the front of the class. "I will need all of you to stick closely together. Our tour guide today will be Mr. Smith." The man to her right waves to the class. "He is the Museums historian and he can tell you just about anything you could possibly want to know about this place and the items inside of it."

"We caught sight of him on a traffic camera about 5 blocks out." Oracle speaks up while the class begins to follow the tour guide. "Are all entrances still covered?"

"Front door is covered." Red Hood speaks up. "Nightwing and I are on it."

"Back entrance is secure." Red Robin confirms. "Robin looks ready to pounce."

"Hold you position." Batman orders. "I have the rooftop covered."

"Alright." Oracle responds. "Ladybird, do you remember where the exits are?"

Marinette nods.

"Good. On my mark I will need you to slip away and go where I tell you to. I'm still not sure which entrance they will be heading for. They are about 2 minutes out."

She nods again and waits. Just as she passes the restrooms, Oracle gives her the go ahead. "Front entrance. They have weapons."

"Excuse me." Marinette gets her teachers attention. "Can I go to the bathroom?" She gives her an innocent smile.

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