Chapter 51: Everyone Knows

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The teachers seemed to want to fill the whole day with busy work. Marinette found that school here was just as boring as the one back home even if she was doing it all with her boyfriend. The two didn't really have that much time to talk until lunch. They sat down with the rest of Marinette's class, besides Alya of course, who sat alone.

"You are looking nice today." Rose spoke as she sat down with Juleka.

"Really?" Marinette asked. "I know you have seen this outfit before. It's very basic but I guess it's cute."

"No. It's not the outfit but I do like that too. It's something else but I can't put my finger on it." Rose tapped her chin in thought.

"I know what it is." Juleka spoke up quietly with a smirk.

"What is it?" The tiny blonde girl looked up at Juleka.

She leaned down to whisper in her ear something and Rose immediately went red and stared at the couple.

"Oh my gosh." She squeaked. "I see it now."

Everyone was looking between the couple and the blonde and for those that didn't already know seemed to piece it together.

"Dude!" Nino gasped as he looked at Marinette.

"Please don't start this." The bluenette hid behind her hands again.

"See? I told you they would figure it out." Chloe shrugged.

"It's your turn now, Bugaboo." Adrien joked. "Don't forget what you all did when you found out about Kagami and I." He playfully poked her on the shoulder.

"Hey, she told me about it." Marinette dropped her hands to the table to glare at him. "This is different. I didn't tell any of you."

"You might as well have." Juleka joked. "Even my sweet and innocent Rose here sensed something different."

"She's right." Max nodded. "We could all pretty much tell but some of us are more subtle about saying it than others." He sent a sideways glance towards Chloe.

"When have I ever been subtle about anything?" Chloe flipped her hair. "That's just against my nature."

"She's got you there." Alix laughed before turning her attention to Mari. "So? Are you going to tell us about it?"

"Absolutely not." Damian gave them all a death like glare.

"Yeah. I don't feel comfortable with that." Marinette seemed to get more and more red.

"Party pooper." Kim said.

"I am not." She spoke up. "Maybe I just like to keep private things private. We already have paparazzi chasing after us. We don't need any more stories floating around."

"You're right and we're sorry." Adrien smiled at her. "I know how that is. It's just exciting to all of us is all."

"I know." She sighed. "Thanks Adrien."

"So, is everything still all good with the Daminette ship?" Nino asked.

"The what?" Damian looked at the group.

"That's your ship name." Rose said excitedly.

"I see." He nods.

"We are doing great." The bluenette looked up at her boyfriend to smile at him. "More than great even. We're fantastic."

Damian gently squeezed her hand under the table as he returned her smile with a soft one of his own.

"Awe, they are so adorable!" Rose exclaimed.

"You have no idea." Chloe scoffed. "Sometimes they are so sweet it makes me sick." She grinned at her best friend.

"I'm glad you found her, Damian." Adrien spoke to him. "I think you bring out the best in each other."

"Hey, that's the same thing I said about you and Kagami." Marinette grinned.

"And you were right just like I am right now."

Marinette was just about to say something back when she saw Alya approaching her table.

"Hey, Alya." The bluenette looked at her old best friend.

"Hi." She barely looked at her before looking over at Nino. "Can I talk to you for a sec?"

"I don't know, Alya." Nino crossed his arms. "Have you apologized to Marinette like the rest of us?"

"No. But I did try to text her and she hasn't responded just like you."

Everyone besides Marinette and Damian started to laugh.

"What?" Alya gave everyone a dirty look.

"Alya, you don't have my number anymore. I changed it a year ago." Mari informed. "I just recently gave it to Nino, Rose and Juleka here."

"Okay, fine." Alya said with a bit of anger before turning back to Nino. "Can I please talk to you?"

"No. Not until you own up to your mistakes. I haven't heard an apology yet."

"Sorry." She said to no one in particular. "Now can we talk?"

"Nice try Alya, but no." Nino shook his head at her. "You know that's not what I mean. I need you to really be sorry before I ever talk to you again. Your petty childishness isn't going to work."

"Fine." Alya scoffed. "Be that way." She stomped away.

"Well, she actually said 'Hi' to me. I call that progress. The word 'sorry' even left her mouth." Marinette gave everyone a halfhearted smile.

"She didn't mean it though." Chloe said. "Alya didn't even look at you when she said it."

"Do you have any idea what she wanted from you?" Max asked Nino.

"To get me back?" Nino shrugged. "But that's not happening."

"I'm still so sorry that any of this happened." Marinette looked over to where Alya was sitting all alone.

"You shouldn't be the one apologizing." Nino shook his head.

"He's right, Angel. Don't worry about her. She clearly doesn't worry about you." Damian wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"You're right." She smiled up at him. "I have all the friends I need right here."
The rest of the day went by pretty smoothly. They finished up their work at school and drove home with out any incidents. Marinette was almost halfway completed with Selina's jacket when Alfred called the teens down for dinner.

"How was school today, you two?" Bruce asked as everyone was eating their meals.

"It went about the same as breakfast this morning." Damian rolled his eyes.

"I don't understand how everybody knew." Marinette mumbled mostly to herself as she took a bite of food.

"Well you might as well have written 'I had sex with Damian Wayne' across your forehead with the way you looked today." Jason shrugged.

Marinette immediately started to cough in surprise and it took her a moment to calm down while Damian rubbed circles on her back as he glared at his older brother.

"Jason." Bruce spoke sternly to his son. "We are having dinner right now. Do not speak like that."

"Especially not when young ladies are present." Alfred gestured to Marinette and Selina.

"Sorry, Bruce. Sorry, Alfred." Jason mumbled.

"You better say sorry to the little kitten too." Selina looked over at the bluenette who seemed to be trying to sink further and further into her chair to try to disappear.

"Sorry, Pixie-pop. Sometimes I speak without thinking." Jason gave her a small awkward smile.

"It's fine. Just please change the subject." She spoke softly.

"Wow, Jay. Way to make things awkward." Tim said as he finally cut through the silence.

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