Chapter 67: The True Black Cat

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"That wasn't the only thing I had to say." Plagg zoomed in between the young couple. "I'm going to need you to focus here, Marinette."

"What else is there?" The bluenette finally looked away from Damian to stare at the kwami.

"I told you that there is the pull towards Damian and it's giving me a mad headache being so close to him because he isn't wearing the ring."

Marinette pulled the chain with the ring on it from out of her shirt to look at it. "You want him to wear this?"

"Damian? With the miraculous of destruction?" Tim raised an eyebrow. "Is that such a good idea?"

"You don't trust me, Drake?" Damian gave him a dirty look.

"I think it's only a logical choice." Tikki piped in. "This will only make your bond with the miraculous that much stronger. In the past, this has been known to grant more power to our holders. Of course, this choice is up to our guardian though." She looked at Marinette.

Marinette stared at the ring for a moment before looking up at Damian. "Are you okay with this?"

"I am if you are." He gave her a soft smile.

"Are you okay with this?" Marinette looked over to Bruce.

"The miraculous is your responsibility and I will trust whatever decision you come to. If it turns out that my son is a holder then that is okay with me." The billionaire smiled at her. "Just know that that puts a little bit of responsibility of him onto you."

Marinette looked back down at the ring for a moment before looking back up at Damian. She pulled the chain off from around her neck and at that moment, Plagg disappeared. She unclasped the chain and let the ring fall into the palm of her hand.

She turned her attention back to Damian with nothing but determination in her eyes. "Damian Wayne. I am giving you the miraculous of Black Cat which grants you the power of destruction. With this, I am trusting that you will keep it safe and only use its power for the greater good. Can I trust you?" She gives him a smile.

Everyone around them watches the whole interaction with interest as they wait for his response.

"Of course." He smiles back.

Marinette then grabs his hand and gently sets the ring in his palm. Damian then stares at the ring for a few moments.

"Well? Are you going to put it on?" Jason breaks the silence.

"Yes." Damian gives him a dirty look.

Slowly, he picks up the ring from off of his palm and slides it onto his finger.

A strange wave of energy could be felt running through both Damian and Marinette as Plagg reappeared into thin air. Both Plagg and Tikki give off a feint white glow and the moment that the two kwami's go back to normal is when the strange energy fades from the holders.

"Wow." Marinette spoke up. "That was totally strange."

"Did you feel that too?" Damian looked over at his soulmate.

"That... energy running though your body? Yes." She looked at the kwami's. "Was that supposed to happen? I mean you two started to glow."

"And thank kwami for it." Plagg huffed. "I feel so much better now." He looked at Damian. "Thanks, kid."

"I haven't felt like this is so long!" Tikki giggled. "You two really are soulmates. I can feel the bond now."

"Is that what that wave of energy was all about?" Damian asked.

"You bet." Tikki nodded. "And that was also the miraculous granting you more power."

"What power?" Bruce was the one to ask.

"I don't know." Tikki shrugged. "It was different the last two times this happened. From what we saw, we think it stacks but that could just be a coincidence."

"What do you mean?" Tim asked.

"The first time it happened, while transformed one holder could feel the others emotions." Plagg spoke.

"And on the second time, they could do that as well as hear each other's thoughts." Tikki finished. "My theory is that each time this happens, it strengthens both Plagg and I and we retain the memory of what happened, therefore carrying over what we learned from out last pair of soulmates to the new ones."

"But she could be wrong." Plagg shrugged. "You two are only our third pair of soulmates in the history that we have been alive."

"Fascinating." Alfred nodded. "We just witnessed one of the rarest occurrences of all time... Three times in all of creation and we saw one of them."

"I guess that is pretty cool." Jason said as he ate a mouth full of food. "It's weird that it happened to demon spawn though."

"Why do you say that, Todd?" Damian gave him another dirty look.

"Because you are the last one that I would expect to find true love out of all of us." Jason shrugged. "I didn't even know you could like someone in that way until Sunshine came around."

Damian scoffed. "Whatever, Todd."

"We all should finish dinner." Bruce interrupted. "We have training tonight."

"Oh, that's right." Dick smiled. "Tonight is my night with Marinette."

"Will we be using the trapeze?" Marinette looked excitedly at Dick.

"No training talk while at dinner please." Bruce warned. "This is our family time."

"Sorry, Bruce." She smiled at the billionaire.

Dick gave Marinette a subtle wink and a thumbs up to answer her previous question and she smiled in return.

"Dinner is great as always." Marinette looked over at the butler. "You need to teach me how to make some of this some time."

"I'd be happy to teach you when you have the time, Miss Marinette." He smiled at the young lady.

"Sound like a plan." She agreed.

"What will you be doing this week, Pixie-pop?" Jason asked.

"Well Friday I have a girl's day out with some of my classmates but other than that I'm not sure."

"Then it looks like you can't say no if best big bro Jay steals you for a day, can you?" Jason winks.

"I guess I can't." Marinette giggles.

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