Marinette looked at her phone to see that she had received a text from Damian. "Damian said that he will be here soon." She looks to her class mates. "I'll see you all tomorrow at the Gala?"
"Of course, girl." Alya gives her a hug. "Thank you so much for hanging out with us today."
"No problem." The bluenette says as she gives the rest of her class a hug. "See you all soon."
It was a short walk to the antique store. Marinette only had to wait for about a minute before Damian pulled up with his car. He was quick to hop out and open the door for her.
"Hello, Angel. Did you have a good day?" He eyeballed the bags she was carrying.
"I sure did." She followed his line of sight. "My friends helped me pick out some shoes to go with my dress."
"I see." He smiled before shutting the door for her and going to the driver's seat. "So, Alya was civil?"
"Of course she was." The bluenette giggled. "I promise to tell you if she is anything but." She paused for a moment. "How was school?"
"Pretty standard. Plagg started snoring in class though and I had to kick my bag to shut him up." Damian glares towards the back seat where his bag was sitting.
"Plagg!" Marinette snapped.
"What?" Plagg hovered towards the front seat. "His teachers' speech about ordering something called a 'cap and gown' was really boring. I didn't mean to snore."
"Oh. I forgot you Americans have such weird and formal graduation ceremonies." Marinette laughs. "And you graduate a bit later than us."
"If I had it my way, we would do it the way your country does it." Damian shakes his head. "I get enough time in the spotlight."
"I think it's kind of fun. Plus, I can't wait to see what you look like all dressed up for your graduation. I bet you'll be cute."
"And I'll bet you will be the only one who thinks so." He grinned back.
"Welcome home Master Damian, Miss Marinette." Alfred greets the teens when they get home. "Miss Gordon has just arrived shortly before you. I though you might want to know that she and Master Jason are in the living room.""Thanks, Alfred." Marinette waves to the kwami's as they leave. "We'll go say 'hi'."
It only takes them a few moments to reach the living room.
"Hey, guys." Marinette says as she and Damian enters the room hand in hand.
"Hey." Barbara smiles at the two. "Welcome back."
"What are you guys doing?" She sits down on the loveseat with Damian.
"I was just telling Babs here about our plans for the Gala tomorrow." Jason informed. "She doesn't really like them but she said she was going. She's excited about the official announcement for you two."
"And I haven't been dressed up in quite some time." Barbara adds. "I bought a new dress awhile back and I haven't had an excuse to wear it."
"It will be great to have you there." Marinette smiles at the red head.
"Who's doing your hair and makeup tomorrow?" Barbara asks.
"Me, I guess." The bluenette shrugs.
"Is it okay if we help each other out? I was planning on staying the night anyways so we can all leave at the same time tomorrow."
"That sounds like fun." Marinette smiled brightly at Barbara. "I'd love to do that."
"Don't you just love girl talk?" Jason rolls his eye towards Damian.

She's Sunshine, She's Grace, She'll Punch You in the Face
FanficMarinette struggles to stay happy nowadays, but what better way to change your mood than with a change of location? Adrien gave up his miraculous so he could start fresh. After all, his dad was in prison for being the super villain Hawkmoth and his...