Chapter 86: Snooping

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"Today has been such a good day that I almost don't want to do training tonight." Marinette sighed as she started to pack up everything with some help from Damian.

"Why not?" Damian raised an eyebrow at her. "Today is our one on one session."

"Oh, that's right!" Marinette's mood brightened a bit at the thought. "I almost forgot. What are you planning on teaching me, boy wonder?"

"Well I know Todd is excited to teach you a bit about guns and gun safety while Drake wants to teach you a bit about his detective work and how he reads body language, so I thought I would teach you a bit about my own personal strengths."

"Are you going to teach me how to roast people like how you roasted Lila?" She giggled.

"No, but I'll get around to that." Damian laughed. "I was thinking more about my work with the sword. You know, disarming and how to avoid attacks. I might even show you my favorite ways to knock people out without killing them."

"How many people do you think will end up attacking me with a sword here in Gotham?"

"If the league is involved then its guaranteed. But otherwise, you still have a pretty good chance. Gotham is full of crazy people and if they can get their hands on a sword then I guarantee they will use it to hurt someone."

"Yeah, you're right. This place would have been absolutely terrifying if Hawkmoth was still around." Marinette looked back over towards the house and spotted Jason and Tim looking at them through a window before briefly ducking out of sight. "I think some of your brothers are spying on us again."

"I was wondering how long it would take you to notice." Damian actually laughed out loud.

"You knew? Why didn't you tell me?"

"They have only been doing it for the last two minutes. I would have told you at the five-minute mark. I just wanted to see if you were paying attention."

Marinette looked back over just in time to see the top of someone's head duck below the window. "Do you think they want something?"

"Only one way to find out."

Marinette watched in confusion as Damian waited for some unknown signal before quickly grabbing her and taking off for the tree line. She was still thoroughly confused when Damian signaled for her to start climbing a tree, but she kept quiet and followed his orders.

Damian was right on her tail as she reached the top and he quietly nestled himself beside her on a branch they would both fit on.

"What are we doing?" She whispered as quietly as possible.

"Just watch." Damian pointed to the window they were at.

Marinette looked over to see the two of them look out the window in confusion at their now vacant picnic blanket. She watched as they talked for a moment before quickly running out of the room they were in.

"What..." Marinette began to speak but Damian quickly put his hand over her mouth and signaled for her to wait.

She waited for maybe another minute before Tim and Jason could be seen sneaking around the side of the house, presumably looking for them. She watched as they silently signaled to take each side of the area and meet back up around the back side of the picnic setup.

Marinette shook her head and smiled brightly over at her boyfriend. As they came closer, Marinette had an idea. She quietly and gracefully jumped from tree limb to tree limb until she was a good eight feet away from Damian.

He watched in confusion before she finally signaled for him to take down Tim on his side while she took down Jason on hers. Damian almost wanted to laugh in excitement but he kept his cool as he waited for her signal this time.

"Jay." Tim whispered almost directly beneath Damian. "I don't see them. You think they're off doing something they shouldn't out in the woods?"

"Ew, Tim... Don't put that thought in my head." Jason shook his head.

"How could we have lost them? They were here two minutes ago. They couldn't have gotten far."

"You're right." Jason began to look around.

Marinette took this as her opportunity to pounce before Jason could look up to spot them, so she signaled to Damian before jumping down to land on Jason.

They were in perfect synchronization as they leaped off of the tree. Marinette gracefully landed onto Jason's back and he quickly fell to the ground and huffed at the surprise of added weight. Damian was stealthier and almost catlike when he jumped off to land on Tim's shoulders and he too, hit the ground with a huff. Marinette and Damian each quickly rolled off before either of them had the chance to retaliate.

"Hey, you two. Looking for something?" Marinette laughed as she made her way back over to Damian, who was also smiling from ear to ear.

Tim and Jason quickly connected the dots and looked back up into the trees where they were previously hiding.

"You were up there the whole time?" Jason looked back down to the young couple.

"We wouldn't have been up there if you two weren't snooping on us from over there." Damian pointed to the window where they were previously spying on them.

"Yeah." Marinette crossed her arms and looked at the two of them with a stern face. "Why were you watching us anyways?"

"It was his idea." Both Jason and Tim said at the same time as they each pointed to the other in accusation.

Marinette just cocked her hip to the side and raised an eyebrow.

"Well what happened was we were eating lunch, right?" Jason began to explain. "And everyone was talking about how good the food was. So we asked Alfred about it and he said that you where the one who did most of the cooking and that he only helped."

"Yeah." Tim agreed. "So we said that we needed to tell you how good it all was, only we didn't know where you were. That's when Alfred told us you were on a date out here in the rose gardens."

"And that's how we ended up finding you when we looked through the window." Jason finished the story and smiled over at the stern looking bluenette.

"But you were watching us for a while." Marinette began to tap her foot.

"Were we?" Tim asked. "I had no idea." He looked over at Jason. "Did you?"

"Not a clue." Jason shrugged.

"Okay. But why did you sneak around the house to come find us?" Damian challenged.

"Because we..." Jason though about that for a moment before breaking off into a sprint. "Every man for themselves!"

"Traitor!" Tim quickly ran off into the opposite direction.

Marinette and Damian only briefly nodded to each other before splitting up to catch the two.

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