"So, who's picking you up today?" Adrien asks as their teacher leads them towards the exit.
"Damian is." She checks her phone to see that he is already outside ready to pick her up.
"You should have heard the class yesterday when you drove off in that car." Kim started laughing.
"What did they say?" Marinette asks.
"They were mainly mad that you seem to be getting special treatment." Max informed. "It's like they completely forgot about Lila saying that you are staying in a shack or something."
"I don't know what to say about them anymore." She shakes her head at the thought.
Marinette and her group of friends were the last ones out of the building and when she catches sight of Damian by his car, she sees a very angry look on his face. As she moves closer, she notices that Lila and Alya are talking to him and moves in to try to save him.
"Listen, Daniel. All we are trying to do is warn you about her. She has clearly seen that you have a nice car and we know that she's a total gold-digger." Lila tried to sound as innocent as possible. "We all think it's best if you stay away from her."
Marinette begins to walk a little bit faster when she sees the look on Damian's face.
"Listen here you self-centered wretch, I know exactly who Marinette is. Your fabrications about her show who you truly are and how much you truly envy to be like her. Your classes feeble-mindedness to follow in your footsteps is painfully depressing. It's a shame you have to drag them all down with you. I almost feel bad for their sheep-like nature."
Marinette finally steps in between the two of them. "Come on." She looks sadly at Damian. "We don't have to do this."
Damian sees the sadness in her eyes and sighs before smiling down at her. "Okay, Angel." He looks back over at Lila with anger in his eyes. "And my name isn't 'Daniel'. Maybe if you got my name right you wouldn't look like such a moron."
Alya looks almost as mad as he does as she turns to look at Marinette. "Marinette, your friend here is a real asshole. Why can't you ever make friends with actual decent people like Lila?"
"First of all, Alya, he isn't just my friend." Marinette points her finger at her angrily. "He's my boyfriend. And second of all, every single one of my friends are wonderful people and can actually think for themselves, unlike you."
"I can think for myself just fine." Alya looks back over to Damian. "And why is he your boyfriend? Everyone knows you have a huge crush on Adrien. Are you trying to make him jealous?"
"Seriously Alya?" Marinette crosses her arms and looks at her like she just said the dumbest thing she had ever heard. "When are you ever going to pull your head out of your own ass? I haven't liked Adrien in that way for over a year. Plus, I even set him up with Kagami. You still believe that ridiculous lie about me being jealous of Lila because of him?"
"Whatever." Alya grabs Lila's arm and storms off to catch up with her class on the bus.
Marinette turns back around to see Damian smiling fondly at her. "What?" She asks.
"Nothing." He shakes his head and turns to go open the door for her. "I just find it amusing that when you hit her with a cold hard fact that her only come back is 'whatever'."
"Yeah." She slides herself in the car and Damian shuts the door for her then makes his way to the driver's side. "I think they are all way to invested in Lila's lies to ever hear reason again."
"Why would they be invested into her lies?" Damian questioned as he backed out.
"She has promised them a lot of things that will never happen." Marinette sighed. "I feel bad that all of them are relying on her promises."

She's Sunshine, She's Grace, She'll Punch You in the Face
FanfictionMarinette struggles to stay happy nowadays, but what better way to change your mood than with a change of location? Adrien gave up his miraculous so he could start fresh. After all, his dad was in prison for being the super villain Hawkmoth and his...