Chapter 73: A Glowing White Rose

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After making sure everyone was watching, Marinette began to dig again. When she finally reached the source of the light, she saw what looked like a small sprout begin to grow as it continued to glow white.

Everyone watched in silence as the sprout grew taller and few small thorns began to form. A beautiful pure white rose bud began to bloom at the top of the plant. All the light coming from it seemed to travel its way up to the roots to make its way to the petals of the flower, where its faint glow shined brighter, leaving the rest of the plant a normal green color in its wake.

After the tiny rose bush with its single flower stopped growing, everyone looked up in amazement when the usual grey clouds of Gotham parted to let rays of sunshine fall over them. The grey soil around the plant started to gradually turn its rich brown color without any assistance from Marinette.

"What is happening?" Harley looked over to her girlfriend.

"I'm not 100% sure." Ivy smiled as she closed her eyes to let the sun's rays soak into her skin. "But whatever it is, it's making the plants sing. The earth is happy."

"Wow." Marinette climbed out of the hole with the help of Damian. "I don't think I have ever seen the sun shine as long as I have been here. This is a usually very cloudy place."

"Maybe Todd was right when he nicknamed you 'Sunshine'." Damian smiled down at her happy face.

"You think I caused the sunshine or this plant?" She pointed down at the rose bush.

"The combination of the two is my best guess." Ivy finally opened her eyes to look down at the plant.

"What are we going to do with it?" Harley asked. "We can't just leave it in a hole in an old playground."

"You're right. We need to relocate it to somewhere it can have 24/7 security but also somewhere where it can still thrive, still see the sunlight."

"How about the Wayne botanical gardens?" Damian offered. "I'm sure my father would agree to house it there. You already have access to the gardens anyways."

"That's perfect." Ivy nodded. "Can you call him and ask?"

"Sure." Damian pulled out his phone to make a call.

After the second ring, Bruce answered.

"Damian? Is something wrong?"

"No." Damian shook his head. "But we do need to ask you something."

"What is it?"

"This plant that we found needs to be relocated somewhere safe and we though the botanical gardens was the best place."

"Okay." He paused for a moment. "Are you still at the location Marinette gave earlier?"

"Yes. We are at the playground behind the apartments."

"I'll meet you there. I want to see this plant for myself before you move it."

"We'll be waiting."

After Damian hung up the phone, everyone looked at him with expectance.

"Well? What'd he say?" Harley asked.

"He's coming down to see it before we move it."

"Understandable." Ivy nodded.

"So, how many of your brothers are coming?" Marinette giggled.

"Probably all of them. And with Harley and Ivy here I wouldn't doubt it if Selina came too. Alfred will obviously be driving."

Marinette looked down at her hands as Damian spoke and saw that she was still covered in dirt. "A family affair it is then." She joked.

"I told Damian that I would pay for your dry cleaning." Ivy took notice of the girl looking down at the dirt covering her clothes.

"Oh, you don't need to do that." Marinette shook her head. "I can wash these myself. Plus, I could always make new ones if I really need to."

"You make your own clothes?" Harley walked over to the bluenette to take a closer look. "This is really nice! Ya know... besides all the dirt."

"Thanks." Marinette blushed at the complement. "But this is only just jeans and a long-sleeved shirt."

"And they fit perfectly!" Harley exclaimed. "Maybe I should commission you to make me somethin'."

"Really?" Marinette's excitement started to mirror Harley's. "I would love that!"
By the time Bruce and his family made their way around to the back of the apartments, Harley and Marinette could be seen having a very excitable conversation with one another while Ivy and Damian just playfully shook their heads at their partners over the top nature.

"Hey, little D." Dick spoke first. "This sunshine outside is a bit crazy, isn't it?" He squinted up towards the sky.

"Yeah." Damian nodded. "It's because of Marinette and this plant we found." He pointed to the rose bush.

"Wait." Jason raised an eyebrow. "Are you saying that Sunshine caused all of this sunshine?"

"Well her and the plant." Ivy answered before catching Selina's eye and smiling. "Hello, Selina."

"Hello, Ivy." Selina looked over at Harley who was now paying attention to everyone that has arrived. "Hello, Harley."

"Oh, hey!" She waved before grabbing Marinette's hand and taking her over to the hole. "Everyone come look at what Marinette dug up!"

"Is that why you are covered in filth?" Alfred spoke up from behind everyone.

"Sure is!" Marinette nodded. "Come look."

Everyone gathered around the hole to look down at the beautiful glowing white rose.

"What is it?" Tim asked. "Besides of course a rose."

"Something healing." Ivy answered. "And for whatever reason it is attracted to our dear Marigold here."

"And also, I brought the soil back to life. You should have seen it. It was amazing."

"You brought it back to life?" Tim looked even more confused.

"She did." Ivy nodded. "The dirt here was unfertile until she touched it. I could never get anything to grow here but clearly she could."

"So, what you are saying is that Marinette is bringing some life back to Gotham?" Tim asked.

"No." Ivy shook her head. "It was a combination of her and the flower together."

"You aren't afraid that moving it will disrupt whatever it's doing?" Bruce questioned as he looked closer at the beautiful glowing rose.

"No. I think that as long as we are quick about it and we replant it in Gotham's ground soil and not in a pot, then it should be fine. Especially if Marinette stays close to it for the time that it is being moved."

"Okay. Just let me make a few calls. We can plant it in the back gardens of the WBG where it will be under constant surveillance." Bruce stepped away to go make his calls.

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