Chapter 59: A Busted Lip

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Ladybird found that this guy had no pattern when it came to fighting. Everything he did was wild and unpredictable just as Robin said. Taking time to asses his moves gave almost no information besides that he was probably ambidextrous. He would swap his knife from hand to hand and never really showed a favorite towards one or the other.

Throwing caution into the wind, she decided that defense wasn't the best strategy for her at this moment. Hard and fast attacks was probably the only thing that may catch him off balance. She side stepped his attack and reached for his wrist that held the knife. She was prepared when he used his other hand to grab at his weapon and quickly, she tied his wrist together.

The knife was still firmly grasped in his hands and he wildly swung at her but she was still too fast. She swept his legs out from underneath him and he fell with a loud thud onto his back. Before he could try to stand back up, she kicked the knife out of his hands and it went clattering onto the ground a few feet away.

Quickly, she got on top of the man to keep him from standing back up. Ladybird held firm onto his legs so he didn't try to kick free while his hands were still tied up with her yoyo.

"It's over. Give up." She spoke harshly at him.

Again, the Joker began to laugh manically at her and without warning he reached up and headbutted her in the face with as much force as he could muster, which probably wasn't his best because of his angle and position. She never let go of him but she began to taste blood in her mouth. Tired of treating this lunatic with any sort of respect, she too, attacked without any warning.

Swing after swing, she repeatedly punched him in the face. The whole time she was doing this he never stopped laughing until he hit unconsciousness, and even then, he still had an unsettling smile on his face.

When she was finally sure he was out and wouldn't get back up any time soon, she got up off of him and swiftly hog tied him like she did to Tim the other day. Satisfied with her work, she turned around to see the rest of her team finishing off the remaining stragglers.

"Anyone need any help?" She asked out loud.

"We are doing fine back here." Red Robin spoke up from the comms. "I don't think they were expecting us. Penguin, Scarecrow and Two Face are taken care of. Only a few stragglers left."

"Check on the officers." Batman ordered as he swiftly punched the man in front of him in the face. "The gunfire has ceased."

"On it." Ladybird looked back at Joker who was still tied up with her yoyo and decided to jump back over the fence to go find Jim.

Jim was easy enough to find as he was still ordering around his men and could be heard over all the commotion.

"Need any assistance, commissioner?" She asked.

"Oh, Ladybird." He looked down at her in surprise. "I'll never get used to you guys sneaking up on me like that." He shook his head. "No, we did pretty well. No casualties so I count that as a win. Only two wounded but its non-life threatening and we have paramedics on the way."

"Wounded?" The bluenette looked a bit worried. She wish she would have been involved in any way so her miraculous cure would work but sadly this had nothing to do with her or any miraculous so it wouldn't work.

"Yeah, Officer Wilks had a bullet graze his leg and Officer Lee got shot in the shoulder but it went clean through and we are applying pressure. Nothing left to do but to book these criminals." He smiled down at her worried gaze. "If it wasn't for all of you, this would have been a whole lot worse. Thank you, Ladybird. You should be proud."

"Yeah she should!" Harley cheerfully spoke up from behind her. "She really busted up Mista J's face. Ya did him in real good, girlie." Harley frowned when she got a good look at her though. "But he split your lip, didn't he?" She gently tilted her face up to get a better look at it. "I'm sorry."

"Oh, it's not your fault Harley and I'm fine, really." She wiped the small bit of blood from off her chin.

"I promised myself I would be the last girl he would ever give a busted lip to or to ever lay his hands on and I failed. Look at what he did you your beautiful face." Her frown deepened as her Brooklyn accent began to slowly fade the more she looked at the young girl.

"It's okay, Harley." The bluenette gave her a tight hug. "He won't get the chance to do that ever again. I promise."

"You're damn straight." Red Hood stomped his way up to the two girls with Robin not too far behind. "Let me see what that nut job did to your face."

"Red Hood!" Batman spoke up from the comms. "Don't make a scene."

"Guys. I'm fine." Ladybird finally let go of Harley to turn her attention to the two boys in front of her. She noticed that Robin seemed to be seething in silent anger. She reaches down to grab one of their hands in each of hers. "We all knew something like this might happen."

"Yeah, but why'd it have to be him?" Red Hood huffed.

Harley watched as the two boys radiated anger and thought it best to defuse the situation. "Because he was askin' for trouble. Ya shoulda seen her. She was amazing, really. Did better than either of ya did when you two first fought him. Gave him quite a run for his money and then some if ya ask me." Her bubbly personality coming through yet again.

"I would expect nothing less." Robin finally spoke up and he had a ghost of a smile on his lips. Jason's tenseness even seemed to relax at Harley's assessment.
It took over two hours to clean this whole mess back up. They had to do a head count of all inmates to make sure no one was missing and they had to reseal all the exits and fix any and all broken equipment caused by the inmates such as the blown off back door.

Joker and the other high-level patients had to be locked away in sub level five for isolation for the time being.

On the way back to the Batcave, Red Robin found himself riding on the back of Nightwing's motorcycle because Selina had priority in the Batmobile.

By the time they all made it back to the cave, everyone felt exhausted but unfortunately there was always debriefing after every patrol or mission they partook in.

As soon as Marinette saw Bruce take off his cowl, she let her transformation fall. Tikki immediately flew over to a plate of cookies that Alfred had just sat down.

"Pft... lucky." Jason remarked as he took off his hood.

"You're just jealous." She playfully elbowed him in the ribs as they all followed Bruce to a large table made just for team debriefs.

Damian caught Mari's hand and smiled at her before they both sat down at the table hand in hand.

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