Chapter 43: A New Yo-Yo

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"By the way." Marinette spoke up as Alfred went around collecting plates after dinner. "Ivy texted me. She wants to know when I can meet up with her and Harley. I was thinking maybe this Saturday Dami and I can meet up with her."

"That should be fine as long as you meet up with us for patrol that night. She can't keep you all day." Bruce answered. "Speaking of which, we have training in an hour and patrol is tomorrow. We can't be slacking."

"Okay." Marinette got up. "I'll see you then."
"I find training to be pretty entertaining with you around." Damian was walking with his girlfriend down to the training room.

"Shouldn't you be training and not watching me?" She giggled.

"I can multitask." He grinned back down at her.

"Bruce will be disappointed if he catches you slipping." Marinette booped him on the nose as they entered the training room.

"Is Damian falling behind?" Tim asked, clearly hearing the last little bit of their conversation.

"Definitely not." Damian scoffed.

"Where is everyone else?" The bluenette looked around the room.

"We're here." Dick said as he, Jason and Bruce entered the room.

"Today is weapons training." Bruce held a box in his hand as he walked over to the wall of practice weapons.

"What's in the box?" Marinette asked curiously.

"Your weapon of choice." Bruce took off the lid to show her.

She looked inside to see a perfectly shiny metallic yoyo. The string was some kind of strong metal wire that would probably be hard to break and it looked to be the same size of the yoyo she usually worked with.

"Now this yoyo's weight may be a little off but we made it as light weight as possible. I know that this isn't some magical yoyo but it will do for training purposes. When it comes to training with our real weapons, we will always be suited up." He smiled down at her excited face. "Go ahead and give it a try."

She carefully took the yoyo out of the box and examined it. It had no flaws that she could find and it was so smooth and shiny that she could see her own reflection in the metallic surface. Putting her finger through the loop and letting it fall, she considers the weight of it. It's a little bit heavier than the one she is used to, but she can work with that. She flicks her wrist up to recall it back to her hand. "This is awesome. Thank you, Bruce." Marinette smiles up at the billionaire.

"I'm glad you like it. I'm pairing you up with Tim first and then we will rotate out. We will give you some time to work with it before we all start."

Marinette nods and backs away from the group to test out her new weapon. She doesn't have the range she usually has but learning to work in close proximity with people would be good for her. She works with it for a few minutes before nodding to herself. "Okay, I think I'm ready."

Tim walks over to the wall of weapons and grabs his wooden Bo staff. After a short walk back to the mat, he stands in front of Marinette and gives her a curt nod with a small smile. "Ready when you are."

Marinette begins to spin her yoyo in rapid circles in front of her and closely watched Tim's every move. They slowly begin to circle around each other before he finally makes his first move. He swings the staff towards her head and she used her yoyo's momentum to knock it out of the way with a loud 'clank'. She jumps just in time when his staff goes to sweep her legs on its way back. Flinging her yoyo around the staff, she tries to yank it back but Tim's hold on it is too strong. He uses his strength to pull his staff back and Marinette goes tumbling forward. Tim tries to bring his staff down to hit her but she rolls out of the way and yanks her yoyo free. 'New plan.' She thinks to herself. 'Work around the staff.'

She waits for him to strike again and when he does, she grabs the end of the staff with her free hand and goes to wrap her yoyo around his nearest leg. When he tried to step back and pull his staff free, she immediately let's go and used all her strength to pull on the yoyo and yank his leg out from underneath him, causing him to become off balanced. She then runs at him to tackle him the rest of the way down to the floor. He still has the staff in his hand so she takes the yoyo that is still wrapped around his leg and loops the sting around the arm holding onto his weapon. Yanking the yoyo tight again, his arm and leg become tied together. Tim uses his other hand to reach around and grab the staff but she is too quick. She wraps his free hand up with his other hand and foot and grabs the staff, effectively yanking it away from him and she throws it across the room. Keeping a tight hold on the three limbs she has tied up; she pulls his free leg in with the rest of them and though he puts up a good fight, she ties it up too, leaving him practically hogtied.

"What's my time?" She jokes while laughing at Tim's predicament.

"Wow." Jason begins laughing from across the room along with Damian. "Who knew we needed to put Sunshine in the rodeo?"

"Please let me go." Tim looks up at her a little bit annoyed, still trying to yank himself free.

"I don't know..." She tightens the yoyo's hold. "Does anybody want to take a picture first?"

"This room is always being recorded." Dick tried to hold back his laughter as he points to a camera in the corner. "I think we're good."

"Okay." She loosens her hold so Tim can get free. "Are you okay?" She holds her hand out to help him up.

"You just hurt my ego a little bit is all." He accepts her help up and walks over to pick up his staff. "I'm okay."

"Sorry, Tim." She looks at him apologetically. "Who's next in rotation?" She looked to the rest of the group.

"Damian" Bruce spoke up. "You just finished up with Jason so why don't you two switch partners?"

"Are you ready, Angel?" Damian steps up to his girlfriend and gets into a ready stance with his practice sword.

"Are you, Boy Wonder?" She lets her yoyo hang slack by her side while she gives him a sweet smile.

"Y-yes." He seemed to be caught off guard by her carefree and sweet attitude.

"Okay, handsome." She gestures with her index finger for him to come closer. "Show me what you got."

Damian actually went red as he tried to school his features. Calming down the best he could, he went in for the strike.

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