Chapter 96: The Riddler

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"Hey, Barbara." Marinette greets the redhead as she enters the cave. "You're just on time. Everyone is suiting up."

"Hey, Marinette." Barbara looks around at the company she will have today. "Raven, Gar, Kori." She waves. "Are you sure you want to hang out with me today? I don't have the most glamorous job."

"Are you kidding?" Gar asks. "I wish I was smart enough to do what you do. I think it will be fun to see it all first hand."

"You better not distract her." Batman speaks up from right behind him, effectively making him jump in surprise. "She has a very important role to our team."

"I'll keep him in line, Batman." Raven speaks up.

Batman just nods at her before bringing his attention to Marinette. "Go ahead and transform. Everyone will be here shortly."

"You got it, Batman." She grins before saying "Tikki. Spots on!"

No matter how many times this is seen, weather its your first like Kori, Raven and Gar or you have seen it multiple times like Barbara, they all can't help but to watch in wonder. Batman seemed to be the only person with a blank expression but even he couldn't look away.

"That was awesome!" Gar had a grin on his face from ear to ear.

"Oracle." Batman ignored Gar's outburst. "Am I correct in assuming you got my email?"

"Of course." Oracle rolled over to the Bat computer. "The real question is did you tell Robin your new change of plans."

"Tell me what?" Robin asked as he walked over to stand by Ladybird.

"Nothing too major." Batman began. "Just group changes. You're obviously still paired up with Catwoman."

"But not me, right?" Ladybird asked.

"Correct. You will be with me again today. Red Robin will be pairing up with Nightwing and Red Hood."

"The dream team." Nightwing smiled as he entered with his arms around both Red Robin and Red Hoods shoulders.

"Now we are just waiting on Catwoman." Oracle said as she continued to type on the computer.

"Sorry I'm late." Selina came waltzing up to Batman. "Latex and leather isn't the easiest to get on. Or take off. Isn't that right, Batman?"

Batman chose to ignore her comment and instead chose to turn his attention to Oracle. "Let's start the briefing."

"Okay. Just for a recap, Catwoman and Robin you're on a team A. Nightwing is with Red Hood and Red Robin on team B so that leaves Batman and Ladybird on team C." Oracle pulled up a map of the city on the computer. "Robin, you and Catwoman will be taking crime alley again. Stealth is usually what we ask for but don't shy away from being spotted together. We do have an end goal here after all. Nightwing, Red Hood and Red Robin will be doing a general sweep of the city. Batman and Ladybird, you two are on a special task."

"Special task?" Ladybird questions.

"Yep." Oracle pulls up the profile of Edward Nigma, AKA the Riddler. "It was very surprising to us when he called for you outright. He usually sets up some overly flamboyant plan to draw out Batman. It's even stranger that he called just you."

"How did he call for me?" She asks.

"Well as you may know, we have had people following him because of his sudden lack of villainy. We have them note where he's going and who he's going with and even take the occasional picture. It appears that the Riddler was fully aware of this though because on his most recent sighting, one of our men took this picture." Oracle pulled up the picture on the computer for everyone to see.

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