Chapter 97: Solo Patrol

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The moment the two were back in the Batmobile, Batman pressed the button on the dash that silences their comms.

"It appears this is one of the better situations we could have hoped for." Batman said.

"You're right." Ladybird smiled over at him. "It's still odd that he correlated me with his daughter who robs banks in her free time."

"When you have kids, you tend to look at other kids in a different light. Could you imagine having a daughter that the Joker of all people has taken a liking to? I'm sure he realized how young you are and decided that that was a line he didn't like the Joker crossing."

"When you put it that way it makes a whole lot more sense." Ladybird nodded. "So, what are we going to do now? That whole meeting didn't take that long."

"Give me a second." Batman said before pressing the button on the dash again. "Nightwing, what's your status?"

"Still patrolling the southside. We stopped a robbery at the convenient store on 11th street. Still making our way towards uptown." Nightwing replied.

"Take your time and stop at the halfway point. Ladybird and I will take the northside and we will meet in the middle. Our little meeting with Riddler turned out better than expected."

"We heard." Red Robin answered. "See you in a bit."

Batman pressed the button again and looked over at the small bluenette.

"I'll be taking the east side and you will take the west." He pulls up a map of the city on his dash. "Main Street runs through the center of the northside and that will be our dividing line. You hit Main Street you turn back the other way. Our meeting point with the boys will be on Wayne Tower. There is a reason why I put my building in the very center of Gotham. You think you will be good on your own?"

"I got this." Ladybird pulled out her yoyo to pull up her own map of the city to mark off her area of patrol.

"It seems you have your own gadgets." Batman nodded as he pressed a few buttons to make the map on the dash disappear. "You heard Riddler's warning so stay hidden unless you spot trouble. Don't be afraid to call for backup if you need it." He brings the car to a stop at the most northern part of the city.

"You can count on me, Batman." Ladybird gets out of the car.

Batman just nods before driving off down the street again.
Ladybird kind of missed the feeling of solo patrol. She used to do it all the time in Paris when she was Ladybug. Her and Chat Noir would split up the city evenly. This was a little bit different though. She wasn't looking for akumas. She was looking for actual criminals and possibly a few of Jokers goons who planned on kidnapping her. It was still a familiar and comforting feeling none the less.

She scares off a few kids who were throwing rocks at stray cats. Selina would be proud about that one. The real action didn't occur though until she spotted a woman who appeared to be walking home alone. Two men were following her and they were the definition of shady looking men. You could tell the woman caught onto them though because she had a panicked look in her eyes as she looked back at them and swiftly crossed the street. The men obviously followed to cross the street as well.

"I have two men following a woman walking home alone at my location. I may need police here soon." She whispers over the comms.

"Just give the signal, Ladybird" Oracle answered. "and the police will be on their way."

Ladybird watched as the panicked woman picked up the pace as she started to cut through back alleys.

"Hey! Where you goin' beautiful?" One of the men called as they both started to sprint toward her.

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