The rest of the patrol went about as expected. There were a few check-ins from Oracle with everyone saying they were fine and Ladybird only had to deal with a few more minor things like a couple of drunks disturbing the peace.
Now though, she was making her way to the top of Wayne Tower. When she made it to the top, she found Nightwing, Red Hood and Red Robin sitting in a circle in the center of the roof.
"Hey, guys." She greeted.
"Hey, Ladybird." Red Hood waved in return. She couldn't see his face through the hood but she could only imagine his dorky smile. "Anything interesting out there today?"
"That meeting with Riddler was a bit interesting but I'm sure we will talk about that later." She sat down next to Red Hood and Red Robin where they made space for her in the circle. "Other than that, I just stopped a couple of men from doing who knows what to some woman they were stalking. Nothing too overly crazy. How about you guys? I heard you stopped a robbery."
"There was that and we had to send some homeless man to Arkham to get tested. He was saying something about the rats in the street screaming at him? The guy clearly lost it." Red Robin shrugged.
"Oh... fun." Ladybird giggled. "There really is never a dull moment around here."
"Not really." Nightwing smiled. "It's hard to stay bored that's for sure."
"Good. You're all here." Batman spoke up from behind Ladybird.
If this had been a few weeks ago that would have definitely made her jump. Now though, she was used to it.
"Hey, Batman." Ladybird greeted as she and the rest of the team stood up.
"Let's head back to the cave. Oracle just sent me word that Robin and Catwoman are on their way there." Batman ordered. "Follow me, Ladybird." He turned to walk off without another word.
She had to run to catch up but once she did, she easily kept pace with him as they made their way back to the Batmobile. After buckling up, she turned her attention to the caped crusader to watch him operate the vehicle. The Batmobile was far from any ordinary vehicle and it was fascinating for her to see how someone drove it.
Batman pressed the comm silencing button, which Ladybird could now point out, and he looked over at the bluenette. "We will have to teach you to drive but you will eventually get your own vehicle. You wont always have to ride with one of us. It's only fair."
"What?" Ladybird looked at him with wide eyes. "You don't have to do that. I don't mind tagging along."
"That's very considerate Ladybird but that's not the only reason why you should have your own vehicle. What if everyone else was busy and there was an emergency? No matter how fast you are, a vehicle is still the fastest way to get around the city. You also need to be able to work independently and with speed."
"I guess you're right." She nodded.
"Don't worry." Batman gave her a small, rare smile. "You will get your chance to add your artistic flair to whatever vehicle you get."
"Really?" She brightened up at the idea. "That's awesome."
"This is still a few months out though. I want to wait until after you come back to Gotham."
"Yeah, that makes sense." She agreed. "Who makes all of these gadgets and stuff anyways."
"An old friend of mine who works for me. Now is not the time to talk about him though." He glanced over at her excited face for a moment. "You'll be meeting him soon, don't worry. In fact, he's very excited to meet you. He's actually the one who made your practice yoyo."
"He sounds talented." Ladybird watched as Batman turned off towards the secret entrance of the cave.
"Very." Batman nods as he pulls into the cave. "Let's debrief."
Ladybird gets out of the car just in time to see Nightwing, Red Hood and Red Robin pull in with their respective bikes. Robin and Catwoman are already sitting at the large debriefing table with Kori, Raven and Gar.
"Looks like everyone is here." Oracle rolled away from the Bat computer to meet up with everyone at the table. "Let's chat."
Once everyone was seated at the table, Batman was the one to start it off.
"As it turns out, Riddler called out Ladybird to offer us aid. Apparently, Joker has sent out word to capture her alive and unharmed. While doing my own patrol today I caught ahold of a few of Jokers men to find out the truth. Riddler wasn't lying."
"Why is he offering to help?" Robin asked.
"He said I remind him of his daughter." Ladybird shrugged.
"Enigma?" Raven asked. "We have been searching for her for awhile now. She's wanted in 14 different states. How does he corollate her to you?"
"He said it was my smile."
"Eh..." Gar shook his head. "That's pushing it."
"Moving on." Batman said. "I gave him a way to contact us. He agreed to give us more information if he finds any."
"And I will alert you all the moment he does." Oracle added. "Any questions?" After she was met with silence, she continued on. "Everyone did great today. I just got word back from Arkham about the man you three admitted." She looked at Nightwing, Red Hood and Red Robin. "He's being treated for auditory hallucinations but otherwise he's okay. Catwoman and Robin." She turned her attention to them. "We got quite a few sightings of you two on twitter tonight. Also, good work on taking down those muggers."
"Are they saying anything interesting on twitter?" Selina asked.
"It's just the normal confusion as to why the two of you are teamed up. Nothing out of the ordinary." Oracle finally turned to look at Ladybird. "I also got word from the commissioner that those men you had arrested are currently being verbally bullied in the holding cells by other criminals because they were beaten up by a 'little girl'. I think you have really hurt their pride."
"They will learn eventually." The bluenette shrugged.
"Indeed, they will." Oracle smiled up at her. "Well that's all I've got. Anybody else have anything else to add?"
Batman just shook his head and took his cowl off. Not long after, everyone followed suit.
"Spots off." Marinette sighed as her transformation fell. Tikki quickly zoomed off towards the kitchen.
"That is super cool." Gar said as he walked up to the bluenette.
"Not nearly as cool as turning into any animal you want." She smiled back.
"Don't give him a bigger head than he already has." Raven said sarcastically.
"I do not have a big head." Gar defended himself. "My head is a perfectly normal size."
"Keep telling yourself that, babe." Raven smirks as she walks off towards the exit.
"Wow." Gar chases after her. "I see how it is!"
"Why don't you go on ahead and go upstairs, Angel." Damian spoke up from beside her.
"I was planning on it." Marinette smiled up at her boyfriend. "See you in a few." She reached up on her tippy toes to give him a kiss before walking off.

She's Sunshine, She's Grace, She'll Punch You in the Face
FanfictionMarinette struggles to stay happy nowadays, but what better way to change your mood than with a change of location? Adrien gave up his miraculous so he could start fresh. After all, his dad was in prison for being the super villain Hawkmoth and his...